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28 Nov 2023 10:32:14
Being told today from my source both Dowell and Sterling want to return to England.

Defo interest for both from championship.

Agree23 Disagree0

28 Nov 2023 11:31:49

28 Nov 2023 11:32:05
Understandable regarding Sterling, as he's not going to take Tav's place.

Shame about Dowell though, he looked good at Norwich the few times I saw him and I thought he was going to be a bit of a dark horse for us, but seeing Lammers start before him I understand if he wanted to leave.

On a positive, in on a free, sold for a fee.

28 Nov 2023 11:33:28
Sounds about right. Both have made nil impact.
I am sure PC has seen their levels in training. Again makes you wonder about our scouting system and how these signing decisions were made. Need to make sure we cover our costs on these deals.

28 Nov 2023 11:50:44
Shame neither have been able to show much so far, liked the look of Dowell before he came. I don't think they would be much loss. What we think we could get for them 1-2m each?

28 Nov 2023 11:51:52
Did Beale about not say dowell was going be a quality signing? Deary me that guy gets some amount wrong on here.

28 Nov 2023 12:00:21
Both done nothing. Rarely given a chance granted.

28 Nov 2023 12:03:59
Not surprised John.
Why would they want to be here when they could be near home and actually playing football.

Will save us a few quid also, so win win imo.

28 Nov 2023 12:11:10
Hopefully. 40k a week between them for nothing.

28 Nov 2023 12:12:00
actually forgot dowell was at rangers, has he been out injured?

28 Nov 2023 12:29:10
56 cc Dowell is quality just very unlucky with injury.

28 Nov 2023 12:42:25
Is dowell injured? I’d imagine that would be a big saving wage wise. How much would we sell for?

28 Nov 2023 12:51:49
Will save us nearly 2 million a season in salary if we move them on.

28 Nov 2023 12:54:07
They are wanting to leave because they are not getting a game? that's a joke. Dowell started pre season recovering from an injury and then was out for weeks with another one . We would all like to see him start in front of Lammers but he has to be fit to do that. Sterling is another one who missed large parts of pre season with an injury and has had another couple since then. When we looked to him for the away game in Prague, guess what, he was injured. Maybe not their fault that they get injured but its a bit much if they want to go because of lack of game time. More likely Clement has made it clear he doesn`t fancy them . They`ll be no great loss because they have done nothing and the wages can be invested elsewhere. Just another two of Beales broken toys .

28 Nov 2023 14:17:36
As both aren’t really featuring in the team. It would be best for all parties if they were sold and monies can be put towards One or Two loan players or a permanent player.

28 Nov 2023 14:20:44
There were a couple of us on here who posted about Dowell's injury record, and how much of a risk he was.

28 Nov 2023 14:24:21
You did that raisetheroof, but in my eyes his quality is there mate.

28 Nov 2023 14:25:54
Both fall into the category of injury prone. Get rid ASAP. Regardless of ability i have no time for that anymore. On a side note we could sign kyle walker and tav would still play every min of every game.

28 Nov 2023 14:26:44
Coldo what you get correct on here? all you do is pull others up.

28 Nov 2023 14:31:50
Well both will have cost us about half a mill each by time January comes.
Then if they got signing in fees due to being frees.

Then i'd be asking £1m each just to quickly move them on.
Don’t think we’d get anymore than that for dowel as he’s always injured, Sterling we may get a 10% in there aswell.

28 Nov 2023 14:48:36
Can they be sold in January I thought they had to stay a year maybe I have that wrong, so you can't buy then sell right away, would the option to loan then by get round the two clubs in a year rule? Sorry again I may have that concept wrong.

28 Nov 2023 14:59:05
GJD you can buy someone and sell them the next day if you want.

28 Nov 2023 15:24:27
Gjd can definitely sell them

My star who is coldo this week.

28 Nov 2023 15:33:05
Thanks for sharing John. If they want to go, let them go and hopefully we get a small fee and sell-on clause for them. I think it was StevieG2 who said that it’s a shame we didn’t sign Max Johnston instead of Sterling and I tend to agree.

28 Nov 2023 16:07:33
GJD83 the new rule is 16 weeks.

28 Nov 2023 16:11:24
Dowell has been a massive let down he can't even make Sundays squad when we're missing other midfielders, says it all.

28 Nov 2023 16:24:57
56 clement, John, can spot him a mile away.

28 Nov 2023 16:33:08
My star, what was it I said about Norwich fans not seeing much of him due to injury and you telling me I didn't know anything ?

Quality signing eh!

28 Nov 2023 16:33:55
Whoever signed that pair ought to be fired, oh forgot he already has ?.

28 Nov 2023 17:00:07
Nobody will buy Dowell he's permanently injured. Also Sterling is in the Euro squad and I think only 3 changes after the group stage allowed.

28 Nov 2023 17:09:12
if the manager is not going to play them, then move them on, even getting their
fees back and wages saved is a bonus.

28 Nov 2023 18:14:40
Roofe wage also around 2mill.

28 Nov 2023 18:24:54
So one change is ditch sterling, we r paying this guy one million a year.

28 Nov 2023 19:00:33
Both earning £20k a week. Money could be spent better elsewhere. We are hopeful to get a couple million each but are likely to accept loan moves in January.

28 Nov 2023 19:10:14
Why coldo and gofor having a go at my star No one ever gets everything right on here ?‍♂️ .

28 Nov 2023 19:14:43
56 Clement, given that Cantwell was excellent in the 1st half of this calendar year and that Dowell was keeping him out of the team at Norwich, is it not totally understandable that My Star would say that Dowell is going to be an excellent acquisition?

28 Nov 2023 19:34:28
Gofor i never said that to you, what i said to you was Norwich fans didn't see him when he scored many times for them last season, i said Dowell was quality and that he is, injured to often tho like raisetheroofe said at the time.

28 Nov 2023 20:13:48
These two, with a host of others need to go. we're paying a fortune in wages to players who are doing next to nothing.

28 Nov 2023 20:42:17
You are correct My star, there is quality there, just like there is with Roofe and Jack, but just like those 2, we are never going to get full value for Dowell, as he will be constantly injured. Get him, Sterling, Jack and Roofe off the wage bill, and use the circa 75k a week in wages, to bring in players who will contribute something over the full season.

28 Nov 2023 22:23:09
We trust your source john.

28 Nov 2023 22:36:01
Storm instead of debating the point he jumped to saying people are clueless.

Simple reason

And with dowell and sterling would they not need to be freed.
Thought the rule was you couldn't sell a bosman for a year after signing?

28 Nov 2023 22:37:41
Don't know if we could loan them out though? Been a while since I checked free contract signing rules.

28 Nov 2023 22:48:37
Think that will be the plan of Clement raisetheroofe.

29 Nov 2023 00:09:30
Mtystar I said Norwich fans never seen him enough due to injury and you rubbishd me.

Around about the same time I said all transfers don't work out when you were branding all signings class.

Love how you guys change your narrative to make yourself out to be right.

29 Nov 2023 00:10:20
To be fair the boy sterling has never looked happy even when he did get on.

29 Nov 2023 00:10:50
John tells us Dowell wants to leave and boom it’s in Ibrox Noise.

29 Nov 2023 01:10:06
Gofor my question was the same months ago, why couldn't they see him when he scored many goals for them? that doesn't make sense to me. again Dowell is very unlucky with injuries but i see him as quality footballer, Gofor i probably wasn't saying you were clueless on this, just in general you post many things i don't understand mate.

29 Nov 2023 03:34:09
I will be honest I thought dowell would of been a player for us but as usual I am wrong ?.

29 Nov 2023 10:42:00
G4 I’ve long said these clickbait sites take info from here,

RFC I agree with you re dowell.

29 Nov 2023 11:32:48
My star he is usually like this with me he makes things up in his head.

29 Nov 2023 11:54:49
Good! I said at the time neither were good enough, especially Dowell who some claimed would be in the starting 11 because he’s left footed haha! Mediocre signings by a mediocre manager! Sterling 20k a week to do nothing!

29 Nov 2023 15:40:07
Mystar, you had a spell of calling people clueless for quite a while all be it your name was Beale65 at the time.

29 Nov 2023 17:36:50
Just three gofo you, Andy because i feel that's what he is, Coldo under many different names 100% yes, I'm really don't understand many of your post or what their even getting at mate, can't just be me.

29 Nov 2023 17:45:55
I made one error with you storm and I did apologise afterwards

But hey men don't usually drag something up once another man has made an apology but maybe that's my bad for thinking an apology is the end of something eh!

30 Nov 2023 00:14:39
Mystar ok so if I was cluess and said I was worried about signing another injury prone player and all signings were not class and it never works out for them all.

Then how does that make me clueless

From what we've seen so far I was 100% correct

Or should I address the response to Beale65 ?.

30 Nov 2023 07:46:16
Gofor Kieran dowell at Norwich had one significant injury that ruled him out for 19 games he was hardly injury prone. I’m a Norwich fan so correct me if I’m wrong.

30 Nov 2023 09:03:42
Gofor what are you even talking about today? as said can't work some of the posts you put up, Beale 56 go for it gofor, no sense again.

30 Nov 2023 09:05:01
Injury prone gofor?

30 Nov 2023 17:56:31
Apologise for? You have lost me mate I forget half the stuff that goes on in here ? I wasn’t meaning anything bad by it ?.

30 Nov 2023 17:58:19
Forgot to say you never need to apologise to me gofor.

30 Nov 2023 21:46:18
Storm if I get it wrong and attribute someone's post to wrong guy i admit an say sorry just way I am.

Mystar we all know you were Beale65

You never admit when your wrong.

30 Nov 2023 22:18:39
None of these players are going to win us the league, if we can get some money for them then let them go and let's try and recoup the fee we paid for Dessers and Lammers. They are not the answer.
If there is a swap deal to be done Cifuentes for Sima then let's get that done as well and let's see if we can get rid of some of the others that will leave at the end of the season.
Right now we need a centre back, possibly a left back, a quality holding midfield player and a striker that can score goals.
We need to start signing winners, players with fight and a never say die attitude. We desperately need a DoF and for me it's time that our Chief Scout was shown the door. Other than Butland we haven't signed one true quality player while he has been in charge of scouting!

30 Nov 2023 23:03:25
Gofor obviously everyone know i changed my name as posted it, what i am wrong on?

01 Dec 2023 14:06:36
Dowell didn't score many times for Norwich last season, he scored 5 times ? nowhere near good enough, most people po8nted out it was a strange signing when it was announced.

01 Dec 2023 15:54:13
So didn't the Norwich fans see him then herewego? that makes as much sense as gofor does, strange signing you must have never seen him play then.

01 Dec 2023 19:54:35
I said they didn't see him enough mystar not that they didn't see him.

And has it not been the same for us?

And funny how you never answer direct question or point always try skirf around it.

You were wrong simple as that.

At least be big enough to admit it.

02 Dec 2023 06:44:00
Gofor pointless post once again, what i said about Dowell was he is quality, because he is injured does that take away his quality as a footballer? no sense again you've got a habit of this mate.

02 Dec 2023 14:43:12
Also can't figure out how the Norwich fans never seen him, he was in the squad over 100 games in his three season gofor, so another senseless point to me.



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