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13 May 2024 15:21:50
Comparison with last season shared between Gio and Beale we achieved 92 points. should we manage to win last two games ( any bets? ) we will only achieve 87 points ( Under Beale and Clemente) . so far with those two games to go we have scored 23 goals less though the defence has done a bit better. effectively on the basis of the tables we are going backwards. Its true to say that all the managers have had a crap hand with Injuries. BUT who decided not to get in a striker in January? The goals tally compared to last season is abysmal.

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13 May 2024 15:30:25
We couldn’t afford a striker in January.

13 May 2024 15:36:39
Correct David don’t know how many times fans need told this our manager even said it months ago.

13 May 2024 16:24:14
We are a mess we need a lot more than a striker.

13 May 2024 16:28:18
We couldn't afford diomande either but got him, a similar deal could have got us a striker. We could have got a striker on loan, there's a number of different things we could have done.

13 May 2024 16:33:15
So you are judging Clement on Beale’s team and signings?
Jesus wept.

13 May 2024 16:35:11
trouble we need cash.

13 May 2024 16:57:19
I was on the striker bandwagon in Jan and yeah it might have made a difference but look at the embarrassing goals we have conceded against Celtic and others via the Bermuda Triangle of lundstram goldson and tavernier with borna chucked in for good measure every now and again…honestly if it was Celtic losing these type of goals against us we would be ridiculing them relentlessly…. they’re no even arsed it’s expected of us while we have those players.

13 May 2024 16:58:02
when you have a poacher who is clinical like mcCoist, etc then your whole set up changes as to how you get that ball into the 6 yard box . with ally it was hately . struggling to find who it is with dessers and if a quality #10 like hately was in the team dessers would still mis 99% of the chances against decent opposition. anyone who disagrees should answer the question. so we keep him then as our #1? . you know my answer. get as possible if that is possible.

13 May 2024 17:47:52
Tbf to clement Jamie I think the only thing he is guilty of is thinking he could get roofe fit, he just didn't know him like we do. I've questioned a few things of clement, team selection the handling of the Sterling incident etc but he gets my full support for next season. Maybe his problem was getting underachievers over achieving. As rtr has said though lose the cf and first of of season and the wolves will be circling, fairly or unfairly, who knows.

13 May 2024 17:59:17
Rather than a striker I would have preferred a quality centre back and a quality defensive midfield player. Taken in by Lundstram and our total lack of quality centre backs has cost us the league.
Of course you could argue for a striker if Tav was replaced since where would his goals have come from had he not been there. As said above, we are a shambles and a lot of the fault lies with the previous board.

13 May 2024 18:10:58
BB3 obviously we couldn’t or PC would have got one what a silly comment.

13 May 2024 18:13:54
If PC hasn't learnt who he can count on and what he. ll need for next season he's in trouble like most fans I back him but we can't be in a position next season lamenting the usual suspects like goldson or lunny etc we need a clear out some have been here too long.

13 May 2024 18:21:43
The only silly comment here is yours, he couldn't have got a loan or loan to buy can you explain why?

13 May 2024 18:43:44
We got a striker/ forward that was silva who clement and kloppen wanted.

13 May 2024 18:48:42
We did bring in a striker, Silva is a striker. I know he is not rated but he is a centre forward.

In hindsight I would have liked another wide player instead because if we brought in another striker he would have ended up on the right wing to cover there.

Once again our striker done his job yesterday, dio aside, none of the rest of our middle to front players did.

13 May 2024 18:57:32
Bb3 perhaps getting the players we got on loan / loan to buy with wages potential loan fees took us to our budget limit?

13 may 2024 19:13:32
bb, your wasting your time mate

the guy clearly has this weird notion that rangers, couldn't afford to sign shankland

anyone believing rangers couldn't afford a hearts striker of around2-3.5 million quid clearly won't be told

if rangers couldn't affird 3 million quid, 4 months ago, then we are in deep financial trouble, but we can afford 3 million quid and were not in deep financial trouble

some people get s9mething told to them once and that's it, they can't thonk fir themselves anymore, rangers could very easily hav3 spent money andd bought shankland, they decided to pay towards silva, , that's it

a simply bad decision not to sign a guy scoring goals galore, nothing to do with “ afford” of course we could afford, or we are done, but some people stick to what someone else said.

13 May 2024 19:52:31
There was also talk of financial fair play we must adhere to.

13 May 2024 20:05:41
Hearts simply wouldn’t have sold their striker in January it was always going to be the summer if at all.

13 May 2024 20:20:35
Been agreeing with you too much recently Sima. Ditto here.

Hearts were going for guaranteed group stage football, worth circa £6M, why would they have sold thier best player.

Only if we offered daft money, money we need this summer to replace all the out of contract and loan players.

So we take a 5 or 6 million gamble on effectively a journeyman striker. Zero guarantee we win the league doing that. Not for me.

13 may 2024 21:09:15
there may be zero guarantee, but our chances would have risen 20 fold, imo.

14 May 2024 12:38:56
John a point that’s been playing on my mind since he arrived. Silva was indeed wanted by the management team as was Diomande. That’s why in one of my post I state that “I hope PC sees what’s required now, not what he thinks was required when he first came in. that means taking advice. My gut keeps saying if we lose the final he will walk. Easy to get another job.



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