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15 Feb 2024 08:26:27
A win is a win, but try to spin this any way we want, we missed a massive chance to go top last night.
Not only did we have a chance of going top of the league (all be it on goal difference), but we also missed our chance of landing a psychological punch flush on the chins of the tims. The black and white of it all is that we let them off the hook, again!

Agree7 Disagree0

15 Feb 2024 08:43:49
Couldnt finish their dinner
Great to watch (mostly) but could have been about 12 or more goals lol
Dessers scores the more difficult chance and Tav not got his shooting boots on.

The guys are very good at hitting the keeper though lol

Still a good performance and hopefully the goal scoring clicks into place nicely.

15 Feb 2024 08:50:15
I tend to be in that camp too I'm afraid, as much as we've came on massively under Clement we still need to be far more ruthless. One of these days we will come unstuck, going into the late stages of the match last night I feared we would ship a breakaway goal and drop points.

15 Feb 2024 08:57:16
Yeh we would be top till Saturday, it’s May at counts.

15 Feb 2024 09:04:44
Well said John the title i'd won or lost over a season not last night and i'm sure the title will not be decided on goal difference, i tend to look where we were when PC cane in and the points we've clawed back, just get behind the team.

15 Feb 2024 09:07:44
Jesus Christ I’m calling this post out, no danger this guy belongs on a rangers forum ??.

15 Feb 2024 09:19:37
To let people know, Jackthelad01 was Raisetheroof.

15 Feb 2024 09:26:24
Who had the league lost when we were 8 points behind and beale in charge? Cause i know i had already given up. If MB was still in charge we woukd be neck and neck with hearts just now who are on a great run of form.

15 Feb 2024 09:32:51
Wacko Jacko.

15 Feb 2024 09:34:47
Thought he was "ILuvLarryS" ??.

15 Feb 2024 09:36:45
We're all behind the team, twacoos, so please leave that crap out.
Honestly, the way some react when posters state the obvious is a bit much. We missed our chance last night, but because I've mentioned it, I'm getting called a tim?! This place! ??.

15 Feb 2024 09:37:15
Behave Dado, it's raisetheroof here with a new username because I forgot my password. I thought my paranoia was bad, mate?! ?

Did we miss our chance? Yes! Did we let them off the hook again? Yes! I'm not spinning any rubbish here, it's there in black and white.

15 Feb 2024 09:38:58
Thanks Ed, I've just let them know myself.

15 Feb 2024 09:46:02
I’m delighted with the strides made and we are now neck and neck at the top of the table. What a turnaround. I loved the way we were pushing forward right to the end. I love big Phil - the best thing to have come out of Belgium since Hercule Poirot.

15 Feb 2024 09:57:43
This supporter base is an absolute joke. The keeper broke the record for most saves in a game, had a couple of idiots in front of me berate the team for 70 minutes straight then left. Embarrassing. The difference is night and day with the squad now.

15 Feb 2024 10:08:32
I agree jack. That was a total onslaught that should have resulted in more. Have the same nagging feeling as most that we really should have got a striker in. Listen weare in a great place we need to jus try remain calm. Who knows, might haplen at the weekend.

15 Feb 2024 10:09:35
Goal difference will be irrelevant when we gub them at Ibrox and then Parkhead.

15 Feb 2024 10:18:32
Paul, I agree. the ironic thing is without Beale we might not have got Clement.

15 Feb 2024 10:28:17
There's no berating of the team here Rabbi?!
Look, it's obviously a bit too much for some of our more sensitive posters to take, and they have went on the defensive, but all I done was state a fact. There was no abuse! No slagging any player/ s! No blaming the gaffer! No throwing in the towel!
Honestly, you'd think I just go tore into the team and went off on one the way some have reacted. ??.

15 Feb 2024 10:31:55
Jackthelad; it wasnt crap and i wasnt having a go at you i was asking all fans to get right behind the team in general be that twelfth man , so calm down I've not mentioned the word Tim once i'm giving my opinion and if youd said three. Months ago we would be level on points with them 99.9% of fans would have grabbed it.

15 Feb 2024 10:40:27
I’ll hold my hand up ther Roofe, honestly first time posting referencing us bottling it after clawing back 8 points I swear I thought that was a Tim taking the piss. No offence was intending mate.

15 Feb 2024 10:48:26
Panicking about goal difference when a few months ago we were 7 points behind. ?.

15 Feb 2024 11:01:22
Thirteen game shoot out. Amazing to think we lost two games to them and we're starting on a level footing. I know there's a tinge of disappointment that we didn't score more last night but, to be fair, the football at times was to a very high standard and on another day we'd have scored a barrow load. Our football is slick and the players look to have improved fitness and tempo.

15 Feb 2024 11:13:25
Disappointed not too get more goals last night but the team are playing well and are going to hand out a few gubbings over the next few weeks, 5+goals getting rattled at bookies starting on Sunday although would take 1-0 for rest of season if offered.

15 Feb 2024 11:27:27
No worries, Dado mate. One thing, though. "referencing us bottling it"?! Eh?

15 Feb 2024 11:31:53
Going top now on goal difference is completely and utterly irrelevant!

The performance is far more important. We were, at times, exceptional. The passing sharp, fast and direct as well as taking shots from distance. So many players in good form and starting to click together also.

At this moment in time Celtic look like they will cause their own downfall by dropping points at any given game. Hopefully it will happen with Killie again. I think they will now raise their game though, because we are now side by side.

At some point we will need to beat them and take it into our own hands.

PC is the sh! t.

15 Feb 2024 12:05:14
Apologies, twacoos, it wasn't you who suggested I was a tim, it was Dado (the swine ?) . Honestly, I don't think I've been that insulted in all my life. ?.

15 Feb 2024 12:54:04
So going top of the league is "completely and utterly irrelevant"?! Hmmmm?! Yip, what you said there makes perfect sense?! ??.

15 Feb 2024 13:21:27
I don’t feel I’ll recover from that, at least I can’t make the live chat on Sunday (hopefully you’ve have forgotten for the next game) ?

Again, sorry ??.

15 Feb 2024 16:51:36
???? No worries mate. Have a good weekend, and we'll catch up when we're both on live chat.



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