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25 Jan 2024 09:47:41
Great result last night thanks to the new "Goalie" for getting us there as he had critical saves to keep us in it! Glad we are closing the gap.
Ridvan did well and took his goal nicely but we were still weak on both flanks for giving away chances to Hibs and at some point we will get punished- defence was passable but by no means do I see Ridvan as saviour as many think on here - he doesn't mark well and gets caught under high balls - imo we should take cash and spend it better!
We are on a roll at moment but things may have been ugly if we had gone behind early as nearly happened - our marking at set pieces etc still poor and big Butland was static as header just flew wide of post - at these points our CHs should be doing better, clearing lines and giving Butland an easier time.
I have given Dessers pelters in past so happy to see him scoring a class goal - long may that continue but feel we still need another striker in this window tbh- am sorry to say that cannot see a player in Matondo and at times we just open the gates and he runs like a headless chicken and only his pass to Dessers saved his night for me. Silva has touches and hope he scores soon to boost the confidence, as he looks to have good football brain also Sterling was great again (feel he needs a long run in team) - We need to continue with this run as Paisley will be no easy venue to go to at weekend! Big PC and his staff are doing a fine job with what's at disposal and for keeping this train rolling! -cant wait to see how we look after good few transfer windows under his tenure!

Agree2 Disagree0

25 Jan 2024 09:57:20
Blue Yilmaz is Quality said it for a while, really can't understand fans thinking not.

25 Jan 2024 10:19:26
Blue you do realise that you can’t stop a team from having one or two chances yeh? Ridvan was brilliant and the standards you are blabbing about are laughable.
Butland static? The ball was passed him before he could think and almost in the furthest side!

Another Playatation gamer I think!

25 Jan 2024 10:29:26
Blue c’mon?

25 Jan 2024 10:36:02
This could have been 5 or 6 easily. Clear pen on Silva! And dubious offside goal. So on the balance with hibs 'chances' 3-0 is more than fair.

25 Jan 2024 10:41:02
GDog - please read the point about Butland caught watching - it states - CHs need to be doing better and supporting goalie at this point so you have wrong end of stick there bud! I have nowt but praise for Butland who is class- and also never used a PS in my life?.

25 Jan 2024 10:47:29
Win away from home and still not happy. Teams are going to get chances in a football match.

25 Jan 2024 11:57:08
My star u certainly back yilmaz, very good player, hope he stays

Very similar to my backing of dessers, he is nowhere near as bad as made out, I said 20 goal involvement s this season, I’m now wanting 30-35.

25 Jan 2024 12:15:04
More an X Boxer, BF2? ?
P. S. I'm ZX Spectrum age group so I can't take the P out of anyone!

25 Jan 2024 12:46:06
Azul - winning 3-0 away from home is very good and would take that every week- some people obviously cannot work out the difference from being happy or giving Critique on several players or areas for improvement imo- everyone entitled to subjective comments/ opinions- that's what makes this site enjoyable!

25 Jan 2024 12:56:03
I'm more of Sega mega drive man myself ?.

25 Jan 2024 13:14:01
ZX spectrum having to wait 10 mins for your game to load, kids have easy these days instant gaming.

25 Jan 2024 13:56:09
I understand the difference but some of the critique is bizarre. I like Nintendo myself ?.

25 Jan 2024 13:59:55
You have John I’ll give you that and my star with yilmaz. I have back both also. Some people just blame the east option, which I have done in the past with Tav but I admitted I got it wrong with him and he is important as you can’t not notice the goals etc…

Blue Floyd your comments just go to show some fans will never be happy better teams than us concede chances every game and they have world class defenders. I really don’t understand your comments they are ridiculous. Please tell me a world class team that doesn’t allow any chances to their opponents?

25 Jan 2024 14:04:48
Dessers isn't anymore than a squad player john, imagine playing the other mob at ibrox and dessers gets a clear scoring chance are you confident he'd take it? He needs 4 or 5 chances to get 1 goal and imho we need better.

25 Jan 2024 14:05:37
G4 - 10 mins for it to load, then it would crash and you'd have to start again! ?.

25 Jan 2024 14:31:26
Stopping the cassette after the first wee burst of loading to add in some codes to give you unlimited lives??.

25 Jan 2024 14:42:38
Emlyn hughes international football
Dizzy egg
Who dares wins

Aw man those were amazing games haha.

25 Jan 2024 16:06:14
One Walter at no time have I said we don’t need better. He turns up and delivers reasonably good numbers

He is what clement has at present.

25 Jan 2024 17:04:24
Totally with you John, I've went back and forth with Dessers but he's an experienced pro footballer and I love how he keeps smiling and trying and doesn't hide. If anything I think he's guilty of trying too hard, just stroke the ball into the net like last night instead of trying to lash it. Defoe was a master of that, if dessers keeps going, he could easily score 25 this year which has to be seen as a success.

25 Jan 2024 13:08:11
John I honestly think the manager sees what a lot of us see in dessers, hence why he's not keen on starting him if he can. I'm willing the big man on every time he steps on the park, as he is always available and never hides, but barring injuries I don't think he'd be a regular starter. Hope I'm wrong.



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