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12 May 2024 11:33:04
Seen text messages between someone I know and a current board member, and his words basicslly were the “old guard will all be gone”. Really hope it’s true as we really need to get rid of them, for two reasons their loser mentality and their incredibly high wages that don’t equate to their performances on the park.

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12 May 2024 12:11:08
Sadly we can’t replace all of them but with lundstrum, barasic, jack and roofe all going that is a big saving on wages that we can hopefully reinvest. We desperately need more pace and energy in the team.

12 may 2024 12:23:26
i’m hoping you forgot tav and goldson mate.

12 May 2024 12:30:35
I personally think tav will stay but I can see Goldson going.

12 May 2024 12:32:15
Wishy, that is good news and I've heard that Bennett intends to oversee considerable change both on the park and also in the Boardroom. The general view seems to be that we have gone stale. Hearing that their could be two out and two in at Non Exec level.

12 May 2024 13:01:51
If Tav stays then we’ve reduced our chance of success next season. He needs to go for the sake of the club.

12 May 2024 13:33:11
Love or hate Tav? The thing that gets to me is why has he got to take every corner, free kick, throw in and penalties? There was a Rangers player had the ball in his hands, ready to tske quick throw in ( can't remember who it was) . When Tav came strolling up and told him to leave it. Ma ball- i'm the Captain!

12 May 2024 13:55:34
Wishy, here's hoping the old guard will go. you were certainly spot on with your team selection earlier last week.

12 May 2024 13:55:38
He can’t stay at right back! Just can’t.

12 May 2024 14:04:32
Tav has had an excellent innings but for me the time has come for him to move on and for us to install a younger more dynamic player at right back.
It is better that he goes with our best wishes and ideally he is able to make some money at a club in Saudi, if he stays then he could adversely affect his reputation as a Rangers Captain.

12 May 2024 14:13:50
Also a pet hate of mine baxterboy, no denying his quality in set pieces but i think barasic strikes them better and have lost count the amount of times tavernier has took one better positioned for bb.

12 May 2024 14:20:16
butland is a case of does he want to stay same as yilmaz tav if we get an offer over 2 mill think we need to take goldson again getting to slow
offer over 2 mill take it borna save
a wage same ryan jack lundstam
roofe siva back to wolves lammers
seems a wanted man in holland 3 mill
hagi perhaps 1 mill think cantwell
back to norwich hope 3 plus allin all major rebuild.

12 May 2024 14:49:23
I like Tav a lot but he has lost a fair bit of pace and his passing game just isn't good enough.

12 May 2024 15:09:59
I don’t get why we play Sterling in the tracking position and not at rb where he can shop players like maeda with his strength and pace, will also recover quickly to get back…. tav can finish and is renowned for finishing at back post…baffles me.

He has to be pushed to bench for Sterling or forward.

12 May 2024 15:25:27
Where are all those people that said we had enough after the jan window and gave rest of us that said we needed at least two more players so much stick.

Funny when you look at the starting lineup and look where was beales signings and guys he decided to keep at the club

We need the biggest clear out we’ve ever had board have to be ruthless and find a way to pay for it if it’s ibrox naming rights or whatever then so be it.

No more gambling players are going to stay fit these guys are letting us down

No more rehab players young players that we take chance on first from smaller leagues

Get rid of these high wage low output players.

12 May 2024 15:47:50
Did any of you guys catch the sheer hatred in Collum face every time he delt with a rangers player.

12 May 2024 17:26:51
Stop faffing about n get him and goldson to feck, both are done, aye keep them, be lucky to get 2nd if they are here next year.

12 may 2024 17:34:01
hes always like that, with every player, every club, its his make up.

12 May 2024 19:23:36
It’s not just rangers players, gofor.

12 May 2024 20:03:59
Until Everton future is secure they can't afford him.

13 May 2024 09:06:54
Tav should be played as Striker and bench Dessers LOL.
We need a new signing at every position which simply won't happen.

I think some fans do expect too much though. People saying no to Shankland, Armstrong, Miller etc baffles me.

These type of players instantly make Gers better on the pitch and make your opponents weaker.

Any players from abroad that "are good enough" get signed by richer clubs.

Winning the league has to be the main focus.



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