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04 Dec 2023 14:42:04
McCausland the new Durrant.
Sima the new Henry.
Jesus wept.
Posters are letting their excitement of Santa coming messing with their analysing of players ability! ?
Won't be long until someone compares Lammers to Laudrup?.

Agree8 Disagree0

04 Dec 2023 15:02:15
Its already been done on here after Lammers performances in pre season friendlies . I thought it was a ridiculous comparison then and it looks even more ridiculous now.

04 Dec 2023 15:08:42

The only person that thinks Lammers is the new Laudrup is Lammers!

04 Dec 2023 15:17:14
The excitement around young Ross is because the rest of the first team are terrible. The young lad has potential and looks a bright but wouldn't be hard to out shine the rest of the squad.

Sima is another one who is woeful. Decent few finished but very wasteful. Would be worth trying Sima through the middle rather than Dessers and even Danilo at this point.

Be worth putting Tav up front too! lol.

04 Dec 2023 15:17:38
I take it you're being sarcastic about Lammers, MPH? If you're not, then you must have forgotten about some posting how he reminded them of Laudrup and Bergkamp after he scored a goal in training. Yip, that was in training, and some were creaming themselves. Unbelievable! ??.

04 Dec 2023 16:20:18
Sima is definitely the new thierry henry MPH ? Durrant and mcausland completely different players however and durrant was an outstanding midfielder ? mcausland is a winger.

04 Dec 2023 16:51:39
Mcausland . durrant ?????.

04 Dec 2023 16:56:20
MrPH, Don’t often fully agree with you but are of course correct. Grounds for optimism though I’d say.

04 Dec 2023 16:58:45
My comparison between Lammers and Laudrup ends at La.

04 Dec 2023 17:29:21
Ally, Sima isn’t woeful. And you’ve said he’s woeful and then continued to say play him through the middle ?.

04 Dec 2023 18:17:08
Coops it’s because someone on here made the ridiculous comparison yesterday.

MpH the comparisons are getting ridiculous now as none of or current team could lace any of those players mentioned boots ever.
The comparisons are cringey.

04 Dec 2023 18:17:35
Blue, ally makes sweep look positive.

04 Dec 2023 18:24:49
I certainly was, RTR.
I remember it well. ???.

04 Dec 2023 18:33:30
I know, Storm.
The above though aren’t as bad as those that claimed Beale was up there with Mr Walter Smith because of his win percentage????.

04 Dec 2023 19:11:33
Walter Smith stands alone MPH and is head and shoulders above any of them ???.

04 Dec 2023 19:47:05
There’s not many in that squad if keep if had money and options.

Butland no 1
Mccrorie no2

Tav rb
Devine back up

Sterling doesn’t suit us and should be sold
I wouldn’t keep any centre backs if had the option.

Goldson lost it
Souttar not reliable on for or fitness
Davies not good enough
Balogun last season
King needs a loan
So does yfeko

Barasic and yilmaz not good enough

Centre mid pairing

Cifuentes not good enough maybe given next season as back up to prove himself but prob should be sold
Jack should be last season
Raskin not good enough, maybe back up
Lunny not reliable but maybe back up for 1 more year
Rice not played under pc yet and maybe needs a years loan at a club he’ll play 30+ games definitely 1 for future
McKinnon so far not done it needs a years loan to decide.

Cantwell shoul fb be sold to fund new players in summer but also has ability to be our no10
Hagi will be sold.
Lawrence good player but not reliable fitness wise. Sold.

Mccausland should be back up rw next season.
Need new right winger ahead of him.

Lammers sold
Matondo 1 more season as back up lw
Sima should be played through middle til loan is over and then decide as he’s got good finishing but wasteful player. Is he worth what he would cost? £5m? Maybe not?

Wright will leave

Roofe will leave

Dessers sold

Danilo wasteful should be sold

So from our full squad i'd keep

Rice king yfeko McKinnon aloan
Lunny 1 more year
Cantwell maybe sold to fund but happy to keep
Matondo and mccausland keep as back up
Sima unsure

Maybe bring Lowry back to back up cantwell.

It’s not happy reading is it.

04 Dec 2023 19:54:16
Stevie it’s fantasy football, where’s the money coming from to bring in twenty players.

04 Dec 2023 20:08:54
Bloody Hell Stevie. What formation would you play them in? ?.

04 Dec 2023 20:14:11
I'm not going to into each player Stevie. But I get your point.

04 Dec 2023 20:23:46
Sima is more lenny henry than thierry.

04 Dec 2023 20:34:08
Stevie you want a lot of players sold that you think aren’t good enough (which I don’t disagree) but who’s daft enough to buy them all?

04 Dec 2023 20:58:47
So a whole new team haha talk sense man this page is actually ridiculous now ??.

04 Dec 2023 22:53:59
Big dado, thank u for making me laugh.

04 Dec 2023 22:55:51
I think the people linking these players have probably never even seen laudrup or durrant play or they seen durrant after the injury when he was clearly not the same player.

04 Dec 2023 22:15:07
John I said at top mate that if had money and options.

I’m not expecting us to be Be able to do what I think need a done.
I’m so
Ply showing the state of our squad and realistically the gigantic job cle
Ent has to make a squad and team out of what he’s inherited

It’s not fantasy football atall, I’m showing the free transfers and players who will be sold and need sold and what we have left who deserve to be there .

It’s a simple assessment of the squad guys, a realistic honest assessment

Raskin if it’s ridiculous don’t reply pal.

It’s fact and truth of state of our squad.
Is there any players I’ve mentioned that anyone actually thinks should stay and play and trust?

It will take clement until the next 3 windows to have his own squad and that’s how we’re not going to be good enough til then.

04 Dec 2023 22:20:50
I’m pointing out what we need to do not what we will do.
The state of the squad we are now dealing with.

We will likely still have
one of bb and yilmaz.
Maybe cifuentes still here

What I’m pointing out is how many players we should or clement would normally get rid of that he won’t be able to as it’s too big a turnover.

Tbh though we brought in 13 players in summer so it’s not too wild a suggestion to do it again.

A fire sale and loans out with option to buy would have to happen and we’d need to invest heavily about £20m plays a few free transfers

I’m pointing out what we need and how big a job it is I’m not saying it will or won’t happen.

04 Dec 2023 23:15:17
Too many on the festive cheer already Durrant that’s hilarious.

05 Dec 2023 09:19:56
Raskin and Cifu need more time.

05 Dec 2023 13:29:38
If raskin and cifuentes can’t force there way into the starting 11 of this squad as it is, as lunny and Jack are ahead of them imo, then what chance have they got when we sign better players?



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