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02 Dec 2023 14:23:57
I want to gauge everyone's thoughts on here regarding john lundstram as he's out of contract at the end of the season not to mention he's now getting back playing to his best, just like he was on our europa league run under gio ? Should he be given a new deal and remain a mainstay in our midfield under clement or should we let him go at the end of the season ?Thoughts and opinions please fellow bears ?.

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02 Dec 2023 14:34:20
Lundstram deserves another contract.

02 Dec 2023 14:36:54
Clement and our new Dof have a lot of decisions to make on players futures. the majority of the squad aren't good enough. very disappointed our new Dof isn't starting until January, we needed him in sooner.

02 Dec 2023 14:42:32
Im pretty sure the DOF is working right now behind the scenes, so not an issue for me. As far as JL. new contract for 1 year . too valuable to let go for zippo if it came to that. let's learn from kent and alfie.

02 Dec 2023 14:53:09
Before PC came in he was absolutely honkin. But is no holding out midfield together on his own at the minute. Deserves a new deal. Same wages tho no increase as the wage bill as we know has spiralled out of control.

02 Dec 2023 14:56:03
Another one I'd like see gone and replaced.

02 Dec 2023 15:11:41
Leave these decisions to the manager and club. If Lunny is worth another contract they’ll give him one.

02 Dec 2023 15:25:34
His wages are big is he worth 30k a week?

02 Dec 2023 15:27:20
He's the most improved player since PC came in, and In my opinion (they are allowed on here Carrick), JL deserves another contract.

02 Dec 2023 15:36:19
Super Cooper 4, if you don't mind me asking mate, what's your reason or reasons for wanting john lundstram gone and replaced? ?.

02 Dec 2023 15:42:11
I think we ultimately need better, however he is the best we've got so we should probably renew and get rid of the umpteen other injury prone also rans before him.

02 Dec 2023 15:52:44
Sws think about that you think he's a Rangers man?

02 Dec 2023 15:58:18
Rfc22, no he's not worth £30k a week, that's why we've never paid him that.

02 Dec 2023 16:26:39
He had a very good run to the EL final.
Was honking all last season.
And although he has some good performances under Clement, he was honking against Aberdeen.
We don’t just need better - we need someone who is going to consistently play well.

02 Dec 2023 16:31:56
Has anyone thought that lundstrum might not want a new contract he may want to go back to England?

02 Dec 2023 18:29:46
We need to get rid of players like lunny who pick and choose when they playbwell and he doesn't deserve a new contract.

02 Dec 2023 18:33:28
Lunny for me has been stand out since PC has came in. He’s more vocal than our captain and vice captain and also is available for the pass. He gets pelters some rightly so and most exaggerated as I believe the guy has not only been playing with a niggle/ injury but he always wants to play. Him and Jack ( when fit ) makes the team solid and I think he takes on to much when Ryan ain’t next to him as he can’t trust another CDM next to him.

02 Dec 2023 18:46:30
He’s going to walk on a free as it’s his last big contract.

02 Dec 2023 19:05:45
Approaching the end of his contract and all of a sudden his performances start improving.

Let him go.

02 Dec 2023 19:40:24
Would wish him well and reinvest his wages in a more consistent and younger option. Same with Jack. And Borna.

02 Dec 2023 22:03:35
If SuperCooper 4 wants him replaced he must be doing well. We have around a 8 or 9 players who need to be gone which will be a big change again next summer . We do need to keep some of the current squad and Lundstram would be worth keeping, now playing the correct role in the team.



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