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14 May 2024 12:35:30
Just reading some of the posts and like most fan I am totally scunnered! I don't post often but after the last month there is something seriously wrong with our club with Bennet and the board getting away with murder! The Beale appointment was criminal, inviting him into the stadium while we had a Manager under pressure then proceeding to give Beale millions to sign duds! Now after watching Saturdays debacle I am now wondering about Clement who set up a team at Porkheid who where there for defeat and nothing else! Do we give Clement millions in summer Sorry for rant but our club are on the demise and it's hard to watch ✌️???.

Agree6 Disagree0

14 May 2024 13:35:24
Yateley. It was park who invited Beale to ibrox, it was park Robertson Wilson who voted to employ him along with park junior, it was the same people who allowed him to control transfers.

None of these individuals r at rangers anymore.

14 May 2024 13:39:14
? Here we go again with the board thing. Ok so first off it wasn’t this board that appointed Beale, Bennet only became in charge after. It was Bennet and the people he appointed that made the swift decision to move Beale on, which was what all the fans wanted.

In respect of 'the team' and who Clement chose to play over the last few weeks, remember other than Diomande none are his players, they were what he was left with. Add into that the fact that hardly anyone can stay fit (a situation that Clement himself has stated is unacceptable, and he is clearly very annoyed at), then he really hasn’t had much option in regards the team he has been able to play. Let’s face it, in regards to the game at the weekend, what changes could he realistically have made? Move Sterling to the middle instead of Lundstrum and play McCausland on the right? Realistically, that’s it.

And would that really have won us the game? Probably not. Other than that, Ridvan was not fit enough to start, so the only option was Barasic. Most folk had suggested Lawrence over Cantwell. Lawrence however, was awful. (There is clearly an issue with Cantwell though, hence his tweet about “not caging a bird” or something equally as daft. He just wants to be on the pitch with a free role and do whatever he wants, he clearly doesn’t listen to the manager’s instructions, which was the main reason Norwich stopped playing him and shipped him out).

Most folk are saying Sterling should have played in the middle and yes he has looked good there, but Lundstrum and Diomande have played together as a pairing since January, midfield isn’t Sterlings natural position, up until recently Lundstram had been a consistent performer since Clement came in and he would've wanted Sterling on the right to help Tav on that side.

That was likely his thinking. Obviously, it didn’t work and Lundstram had a nightmare. Simple fact is right now most of our players aren’t good enough, end of.

14 May 2024 14:04:07
Board have made mistakes but have pushed as much money our way as possible, Clemont will be given time as he should, am I feeling confident everything going to work out NO but a clear out the right buys and better luck in injuries will be huge for us and we need to get it bang on, a think the vast majority of fans are in the same boat DEFLATED.

14 May 2024 14:13:18
Agree, Beale was the wrong appointment. But you would have moaned if he did not get any money to spend instead of spending millions? The board thinks PC is the best candidate for the job and am sure he will be backed in the summer.

14 may 2024 15:09:44
i meant to say good luck with your work paul.

14 May 2024 15:15:32
As far as I am aware only Park Jnr. is still on the Board, the others that presided over the shambles that we are now faced with have gone.
Of course we need new investment and we need a couple of new Board Members with new ideas but let's remember that Bennett only comes onboard full time this summer and I would be surprised if he doesn't already have a plan for what he wants to achieve in his first 6 months. Only time will tell.

14 May 2024 15:28:13
Good post, gers.

14 May 2024 15:30:50
Beale wasn’t the fans' choice.

14 May 2024 16:14:06
U r correct re who have left rangers.

14 May 2024 16:30:53
Unbeliever, few had him as a god on here, the man was a snake.

14 May 2024 16:56:51
Great post Gers78???.

14 May 2024 17:23:50
Verdant abyss loved him. ??.

14 May 2024 19:15:59
Agreed John re Beale. Lower than a snakes underside.



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