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18 Feb 2024 15:49:01
James tavernier and the stats he has for our football club is quite remarkable and especially so for a right back ? He's now only 4 goals behind alfredo morelos on now 120 goals and there's no doubt he'll top alfie's tally very soon?Tav is now only about 12 goals behind kris boyd, absolutely incredible and will be a very difficult man to eventually replace ?Like i've said upteen times, some tav bashers will only realise how much he'll be missed, when he's gone ? I've always suck up for tav and backed him continually ? Always been a big fan of his and he's defending this season has been the best it's ever been although he's an attacking right back first and foremost ???.

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18 Feb 2024 15:57:20
Totally agree, he is a Rangers Legend.

18 Feb 2024 15:58:00
A bit saucy for me SWS should say Stuck up bud??.

18 Feb 2024 16:03:10
In previous seasons he was all the place defending at times.
Under Clement you can see he’s more diligent and has more awareness of his defensive duties.
Huge asset in his current form.

18 Feb 2024 16:04:01
He has always been superb going forward there is no doubt of that and this year especially since PC has come in this is his best year defensively also.

18 Feb 2024 16:06:08
You think of the money needed to replace his numbers coops, would be silly money.

There will be a big tav shaped hole when he retires, and it will be extremely hard to fill.

18 Feb 2024 16:06:12
Agreed SirWalt. Not at his best today but credit to Cantwell in the last ten or so games too. He's a different player to the pre-madonna he was previously. Not in the media. Not diving. Not moaning. Brilliant going forward. Working hard defensively. Chuffed to bits.

18 Feb 2024 16:29:20
You really are a fan sir Walter. ??.

18 Feb 2024 16:54:05
He’s been an incredible player as you say stats are through the roof
To think just behind Alfredo and boyd and being a RB
His penalty conversions bust be up their with the very best and how some English team has never came in with a proper offer to lure him down south is unreal.

18 Feb 2024 18:13:12
Imagine his stats if he was actually a good player, Walter. Terrible captain too ?.

18 Feb 2024 19:32:51
And before anyone says anything, Boyd took penalties too.

18 Feb 2024 19:57:21
I think some sort of poll is required walter to show some tav appreciation.

18 Feb 2024 20:28:02
I thought Tav took the two spot kicks brilliantly.

18 Feb 2024 21:52:27
Tav bashers only come out to play when he makes a mistake. To be fair there are a few who have changed their minds and admitted they may have got him wrong.

Dessers is the new Tav ~ useless to many til he settled and started to show what he can do but there are a few who secretly hope he will fail.

PC has fantastic man management skills that show support for every player no matter their level ~ he has implied that the fans should do the same whether we are winning or losing.



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