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02 Dec 2023 15:36:44
Heard today that Cantwell has told his agent to get him a move back down south in January. Not happy under Clement and being subbed on Thursday was the breaking point. Now wants a move down south with interested parties being sounded out.

Agree3 Disagree0

02 Dec 2023 16:10:48
He'd be better off sorting himself out and fighting for a place in the team, show the manager he's worth his place through hard work.
Running away when the going gets tough will hardly inspire anyone to sign a player that is unwilling to meet a challenge head on.

02 Dec 2023 16:16:33
Sometimes the personalities just can't work, think we'd get a few mill for him. From recent days sterling, yilmaz, dowell, cantwell, lammers and dessers mentioned for moves, could we get 10m+ for that lot? Get a LB, CAM, winger and ST in? I think given how games have panned out Clement will now know who he doesn't need.

02 Dec 2023 16:20:40
£10million and 10 percent sell on clause and I would not be that bothered.

02 Dec 2023 16:22:18
Get him to f. then. He had instructions to stay wide and didn’t stay wide 100% I back the manager.

02 Dec 2023 16:25:15
I really rate and like todd cantwell but if that's remotely true bellshilllad83 and he does want away then we shouldn't hold on to an unhappy player and sell him, if that's what he's definitely wanting ?.

02 Dec 2023 17:08:08
Hes got to play the number 10 role, he is our most creative player getting played out of position for the likes of lammers.

02 Dec 2023 17:37:15
Cantwell didn’t not follow the gaffers instructions to undermine him, he is a 10 that is used to 360 space round about him, he likes to get on the ball and influence attacking phases of play. He can’t do that if he’s hugging a touchline with restricted movement. Yes he did wander inside and get caught on the ball however I strongly believe that he did this to get on the ball and create. I’m not defending him or blaming Lammers but if Lammers had taken up the correct positions, then Cantwell couldn’t have drifted in. I’m a Cantwell fan as a 10 and he should be played there to get the best out of him.

02 Dec 2023 17:39:10
We'll make good money on him.

02 Dec 2023 18:13:12
Nobody questioning where he heard it, down the chippy or off a taxi driver. Think its bull.

02 Dec 2023 19:05:08
Kissing the badge one week wants away the next. see ya later, sure some team in England will give us a few million for him.

02 Dec 2023 19:06:19
People need to stop blaming Lammers for the failings for cantwell next it will be Lammers fault he dives and gets booked.

02 Dec 2023 19:32:22
I give this one zero credibility.

02 Dec 2023 19:40:22
Bellshill info usually good jfm. No need for that.

02 Dec 2023 20:14:11
The jump on as soon as someone hints at a rumour is embarrassing. A mere rumour and we have people calling him out and saying he should go. Keyboard Guardiolas.

02 Dec 2023 21:11:11
I wouldn't be surprised if this is true, but we are not getting anywhere near what some think we will. We'll be lucky to get anything north of 5m. And I mean very lucky to!

02 Dec 2023 21:36:00
We will see if it's good in time captain tav, I think its bull and I am entitled to say so just as Bellshill can say he heard it.

02 Dec 2023 21:38:31
This incident happened on
Thursday night and he's had a conversation with his agent and it's got back to Bellshill by Saturday afternoon. I find that very unlikely.

02 Dec 2023 21:47:15
I would prefer he get back to the hard working creator he was last season. If he does that he will get a game every week. I back the manager but it surely is a bad move to make good players unhappy by keeping bad players in the team. Maybe its because they can get money for Cantwell if the sell him but couldn`t give Lammers away.

02 Dec 2023 22:00:46
Raskinroyal who says he wants away, one poster on here.

02 Dec 2023 23:32:10
I'm torn on this issue

It's obvious that pc has some of the same ideas that gio had on fitness and the players have too much power over the situation.

Have got away with sub par fitness and performances for too long.

On one hand do you let a manager make wholesale changes with power like Beale had and just hope he knows better.

I'd have to lean towards yes we need to move on any elements in our club that don't fully get behind the managers way of doing things as much as I love cantwell if these rumours are true then sorry it's comply or game over for any player.

02 Dec 2023 23:34:14
Rumours of players not liking methods under gio now rumours of players not liking methods under pc

Hope this isn't true because if it is we need to fully back manager and that means another complete rebuild and move on anybody Nog willing to put work in.

03 Dec 2023 01:54:49
Yet another player who seems to be downing tools when the going gets tough. We've plenty of them in this squad. He's a player we could make money on though and fund some other players. Not many of them in the team. Let's hope somebody feels the need to buy those we got on free transfers and somebody stupid enough to offer decent cash for Lammers and Dessers.

03 Dec 2023 05:59:27
People saying qe will get good money fir Cantwell. From who?
Engliah clubs do not want him. I take it Real Madrid fancy him haha.

03 Dec 2023 12:36:28
End of the day no ones better than the Jersey, you are a team player n if not good enough you get subbed, we all have bad games, but role with the program or go,

03 Dec 2023 17:38:49
Diablo, he was basically a free signing, so whatever money he goes for will be profit.

04 Dec 2023 09:11:33
this forum is getting very laughable.
Firstly its a rumour regarding our potentially best player, and on his day, best player in the country. And its a RUMOUR.
Secondly, your best player is being played out of position and making way for a player who shouldn't even be given a jersey in Lammers.

You would think that you would play your best players in their best positions and also not play absolute scrubs.

If not for Cantwell yesterday, that game was finishing nil nil.

Dessers was terrible, as usual. its like having a man down.
Sima was crap barring the two goals that were put on a plate for him by Cantwell.

Seems we are back to the style of passing the ball from RB to CB to LB and back again, same as under Beale. Loads of possession but creating very little.

Dowell and Sterling have not been given a chance at this club and very unfair on them.
Lammers and Dessers have bene given far too much time on the pitch and its time for a change.

08 Dec 2023 02:26:41
Ally are we not to discuss rumours On a rumours page?

Personally I think it's nonsense too cantwell has said a few times he loves it at Ibrox.



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