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19 May 2024 08:46:27
Cammy I'm with you to be honest.
I'm also worried what players he will bring in and how much might be wasted
I'm not 100% convinced with him just
Now still not sure he gets the club and what the SPFl is all about

@John 27

John I think you mentioned we might have around 20 million to spend this summer possibly more

See if we get it wrong and Phillipe brings in players who once again aren't up to scratch and depending who he keeps etc
Can we really do it all again next summer?

We all don't have a crystal ball and we can say this with any manager

But I think the board has made another mistake with PC I think we should have went with someone who knows the league inside out and was brought in to get the title back

Would Mcinnes be more suited at this moment in time to have a decent budget to bring in players to wrestle back the league?

every manager is a gamble but I feel PC is now the bigger gamble longer odds to get it right
Than possibly a Mcinnes might have been

I'm worried he gets it wrong and I for one don't know where the club will be next season if he blows 20 plus million

I hope I'm eating these words come the new season.

Agree2 Disagree0

19 May 2024 09:29:22
Thestigno1, you make valid points pal and as much as i rate and like big phil, i totally understand where you're coming from ? You're not the first to say you quite possibly think derek mcinnes with a bigger budget than he's ever been used to, would do well as a rangers manager domestically ?I've been in conversations with quite a lot of fellow bears, who think this also mate ?.

19 May 2024 09:32:00
I agree Stig - there's just something about PC that doesn't sit right with me just now - talking about moral victories and we had 1 more point than Celtic etc - sounds like a man under pressure. What is his style of play? One that doesn't work against Celtic is what it is.

19 May 2024 10:01:20
I also agree, Stig, and I too have grave concerns with PC. I don't want him sacked just now, and he must be given a chance to build his own team, but I believe he won't be here this time next year.

Also, on the "steading the ship" arguement, does being one point worse off not mean that he hasn't steadied the ship? I don't want to come across all pedantic, but there isn't any grey areas here!

19 May 2024 10:39:14
My worry with him is the old firms, I just don’t think he gets it, he must beat Celtic, draws at home are no good and unacceptable. He started to lose me with the lap of honour at the 3-3 game, he appeared to have no awareness of his surroundings.

Look I get that we can’t spend what we don’t have, Celtic haven’t spent massive with some of their best players, Hatate and O'Riley for example.

It looks like Celtic got both of them for the price of Diomande, that’s concerning.

If he does sign some good players and finally beats Celtic in a meaningful game then he’ll have unequivocal support but if not then we do need to get a manager who can.

19 May 2024 11:03:53
Let the manager cook God sake everyone on this would a took Silva on loan the injuries old players are unreal, worried about the manager spending money never heard so much doom in gloom ? Manager has actually won titles mcinnes Geez peace.

19 May 2024 11:46:30
2 months ago PC was a genius but what happened was injuries bit deep and some players chucked it, the man knows how to win leagues he's done it twice in a better league than ours also shown in Europe he's capable but until he's able to rid us of the constant failures we will never be successful he deserves the chance to build a team and as for Mcinness I'm sorry he's not good enough and also had his chance to manage us and sh## himself.

19 May 2024 13:47:54
Was McInnes interviewed last time or on the shortlist?
If he wasn’t then highly doubtful he will appear next time unless he goes to Hibs or maybe Hearts and improves them massively.
Are we likely to go back for someone who has knocked us back.
Can’t see it.

19 May 2024 14:01:40
Sometimes there is nothing worse than our own support to start a witch hunt.

Injuries have been our issues yet again and possibly false promises by our board to PC about our Jan budget.

The one thing that seems to have happened is a fall out within the team. Lundstrum was great for PC and it seems he got knocked back for what he wanted and has then took a step back almost like holiday mode (Can't be arsed) and I dunno but something has me thinking there is more to Goldson situation than injury.

Our defence needs new life and if not we will continue to concede these poor goals. I know we had young lads in positions yesterday but I think through time even if they get minutes, hours ect it won't make a difference. I really hope I'm wrong though. Would be amazing to have greatness at youth level again.

19 May 2024 15:10:16
I think a lot of the time our opinion of PC is blighted due to our pessimism. Probably because we have gave up the league so easily.

I’m trying to convince myself that he’s forced to be protective and confident regarding his players for fear of revolt. He maybe does not rate many of them but he’s no quitter so he’s helping them become better than they believe.

I also cling on to the fact he has won 3 titles with 2 clubs - better record than our 3 previous managers - so he does have the managerial ability.
He’s been hampered by injuries preventing continuity and rhythm.

This year will be huge for both us and him. But we have to show some level of patience or we will just be on the same cycle next year again.

19 May 2024 15:13:42
I've been disappointed with Clement in the last number of weeks, but it's far too soon to be questioning his future.

19 May 2024 18:51:46
Agree Mark just need to see what he brings in.
My worry is the figure we have to spend if reports are right 20 or so million, I don’t think that’s enough to topple them.
Striker or strikers might take up half of that.
We will free up wages with players leaving so I’m hoping we can attract good out of contract players.
Maybe one or two from academy can break in to the squad.

19 May 2024 19:00:45
True, some very good Bosmans available this summer.



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