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10 Feb 2024 23:51:18
This is what I'm talking about re our club standing up for itself and calling out these Pundits and newspapers. With the headlines the referee bottled it re collum not giving fabio a second booking.
Why didn't, we see the same newspaper headlines when McLean never issued a second booking to the Celtic centre half in the game against Aberdeen, when Celtic were one nil down.
Wonder if M Stewart was saying the same in that game.

Agree5 Disagree0

11 Feb 2024 07:27:03
M Stewart is just a failed bitter reject, he tries to be controversial with his diatribes which are always about us, if he's not talking about us he finds a way to link whatever pants he's talking to us, Suttons the same but you know he's just at it, Hartson just has no idea what he is on about, no intelligence in any thoughts he has. Nawroscki tackle was mentioned but your correct to a lesser extent and tbf PC defended Silva in interview. 100% about the synchopants aiming constant barbs and blind eyes to whatever doesn't fit they're narrative or delusions.

11 Feb 2024 07:27:44
Michael stewart is an absolute plum of a guy mate ? He's a total goatherd that nobody takes seriously ? He's a bitter twisted apology who's still hurting like hell that the famous glasgow rangers rejected him as a player and no wonder ?.

11 Feb 2024 08:16:25
Fork and SWS, two great posts, sums stewart and the others up perfectly!

11 Feb 2024 09:00:46
Why do people get frustrated at pundits or media outlets. In order to stay relevant and get people buying newspapers then they have to be controversial. Simply laugh, ignore and don't take the bait.

11 Feb 2024 09:06:04
Looking for balance, don't hold your breath Stewarty.

11 Feb 2024 09:22:18
Gr4 aye your right they are non-entities, but here's the thing, they're constant innuendo and insinuations has resulted in a change, disciplinary proceedings against us, now at the top of players being sent off, the mob getting pens at refs behest, struggling to get any relevant decision in games or SFA/ SPFL. Yes laugh n ignore them, but somebody isn't.

11 Feb 2024 09:53:07
I agree with gr4, pundits only thrive if comments are made about them by the fans, let them rattle on in their own wee worlds, ignore the nonsense they write and if asked about them just smile and say ‘ no comment’.

11 Feb 2024 09:57:55
I wouldn’t bother about anything that’s in the papers.

11 Feb 2024 11:27:39
When going through things and I see a headline that has Stewart's name on it I just flick past it, you know it will be full of bitterness.

11 Feb 2024 12:28:33
Fork I think our board are a big part of this change, PC made reference to this in his press conference the other day.

11 Feb 2024 13:24:45
Doesn`t all these comments about Collum just back up what Rangers fans and the club think about him and have being saying for years. He`s incompetent and not fit to referee. We all think he`s a biased cheat but he shows in other games that, that may not be the case . He actually doesn`t know what he`s doing no matter who he is refereeing.

11 Feb 2024 13:29:37
Gr4 u meaning because they are rocking the boat with SFA/ SPFL et al?

11 Feb 2024 14:21:50
They take pleasure in our fans reacting like conspiracy theorists and our fans never miss the mark.

Rise above it like PC does and they will get bored.

11 Feb 2024 19:11:23
U r correct dk.



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