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12 May 2024 10:39:32
They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So, on that basis, why in God's name does PC persist in the same tactics against the tims? Why does he set us up to sit back and let them come at us time and time again? It doesn't work! The tactics are dire! Show them no respect and attack them from the first minute! If teams like Killie can do it, why can't we?

As much as I don't buy into some of the madness, and that PC should go, questions need asked about his tactics over the last 6 weeks. For some reason, after doing all the hard work (with the help of the tims mini implosion), he goes and absolutely ruins it by bizarre starting 11's and tactics that were just baffling. Why?

There is no grey area here, and the black and white of it is not good reading at all, but if PC wants to survive, he must address his record in games against them. It is dire, and it's what cost Gio, and Beale their jobs. If Gio can get sacked after getting us into a European final, and winning the SC, then so can PC. Fans, no matter what they think of any our managers, will not accept continuous failure against them. Why should we?

If PC does not deliver us the SC, then lose the first game against them next season (I believe is at the midden), then the clock will be ticking on his tenure. Some might not like reading that, but that's how it will be.

Agree4 Disagree0

12 May 2024 10:53:00
Don’t agree with that Raise, go all out an attack with who?
And leave more gaps, the idea is not to sit back but try and get forward, once again we didn’t do the basics well yesterday, tracking our man, keeping the ball and using it better in the final third.
After the sending off then it’s a different game.
Manager will get a bit of time with new players.

12 may 2024 10:55:42
last 6 weeks or so have been a massive disappointment rtr

like he lost the plot, or the dressing room, or both

how anyone can mention beales name as a cause after clement got the same players to the top is just laughable, they hit the top then bottle crashed, nothing whatsoever to do with beale. , i don't fancy a cup final at hampden with these defenders.

12 May 2024 10:58:30
And if that’s happens RTR how much money would again be possibly lost that a new manager might not want once again what’s been left to him?

Is the board going to trust him to try this rebuild this summer?

For everyone - if it was let’s say your 20 million pounds would you all hand it to PC willingly to try get this rebuild and winning side for next season

I’ll honestly say I’m not so sure right know he doesn’t seem to be learning much so far? Which is giving me massive doubts about him
Also hasn’t shown much character in the sidelines I want to see more passion from the manager when we’re losing games a manager that kicks every ball
With the team on the touchline

I’m genuinely worried right now how much more can the club take how much more can the board spend every summer.

12 May 2024 10:59:25
We were pressing high with 11 players on the pitch.

12 May 2024 11:10:48
correct McMinn but Diomando was missing again along with Lawrence.

12 May 2024 11:11:28
This is the game plan lads. Give mcgregor and o reilly as much time on the ball and as much space as you can give them on the edge of the box.

12 May 2024 11:16:18
Only if the boards members are fools, sacking managers ever other year and we will do NOTHONG.

12 May 2024 11:16:50
Correct mcminn.

12 May 2024 11:17:57
Totally disagree.

12 May 2024 11:19:39
@Raise the Roofe. Finally someone that talks sense! Every auld firm McGregor commands that midfield. That's what's wins the games.

We play the same tactics every game. Does it work? No. Pc for me has really got to be questioned.

If he gets praise then he deserves criticism. His subs and tactics are baffling to say the least.

He better turn this round soon or the fans will turn on him.

12 May 2024 11:21:26
He was screaming at Lawrence first half with what looked like a gesture to get back into shape, not sure about no passion thing aswell.
Teams not at the same quality as them let’s deflect that onto something else.
So you would give 20 million to Deek McInnes Stig?

12 May 2024 11:22:50
Like you totally disagreed when I said the league was over. What was it you accused me of again, MPH. How did that work out?

12 may 2024 11:32:45
im a no thong type of guy myself anyway.

12 May 2024 11:38:58
Don’t blame clement for everything, I believe the biggest problem in the squad is ability, and also a weak mentality. We are a spineless bunch bar one or two. I think clement could have freshened it up with one or two younger players to give us the legs and maybe play with less fear. I hope our management are backed as much as possible and can address the situation.

12 May 2024 11:44:18
Aye I can't really agree with any of that. He got the best out the players available but injuries, player commitment (out of contract) and tiredness eventually caught up with us. Clement is exactly the man we need, has improved the team and many of the players, has shown adaptability with the injuries. Got a few of his own players in and see.

12 May 2024 11:51:48
We can’t keep sacking managers also pc bever had any money in jan to spend. He needs time to get players in. Doesn’t matter horn many fans think Celtic are not a good team but they are better than us plain and simple.

He got a bounce at the start and got us back in to a title fight. It’s still the same players that haven’t been good enough the last couple of years.
PC does deserve criticism tho because his inability to change formation when we have no fit decent wingers.

There is a long long list of players that need to go. Tav, Goldson, Lawrence, Lunny, Barasic, Lawrence etc. I just hope the manager has the balls to get rid of the serial losers.

12 May 2024 12:16:50
Look these players were given instructions and a plan and couldn’t carry it out. We went out to win the game but it still had to be controlled and executed. Maybe big Phil is a strict autocratic manager and some players struggle with that control or depth in plan.

12 May 2024 12:49:35
Diomande is missing in these games because he’s the guy in space with his hands up begging for a pass but lundstram and co will always choose safe ball out wide in a horseshoe. He always makes himself available centrally looking for a ball to feet where he will turn and get a shot off or play a ball round the corner for a striker etc but no one gives him it and the ball goes wide or back…. every game I’ve seen it multiple times.

12 May 2024 13:12:58
PC will do no better than his recent predecessors if he isn't backed by the Board with serious investment in players. The current squad is arguably the poorest we have had since Gerrard cam in and had to bring in his own players.
As I have said before, we should have supported Gerard with the players that he required when we won 55, the Board failed to do so and we have been going backwards ever since.
Failing to have a replacement to take over from Tav, giving Goldson a new contract, relying on Wilson and Park to find players more on a wing and a prayer and then if we found one that was exceptional selling them asap, (which was what Wilson was good at) .
Sorry but the Board are more at fault than Clement for the shambolic squad that we have.

12 May 2024 14:55:32
Well done on your ‘I told you so’?.

12 May 2024 15:05:48
Couple spot on, noticed that myself and it wasn't coincidence he got better when lundstrum went off. Berkshire we have to hope Koppen and the new team can get us better players for the money.

12 May 2024 16:04:36
Thanks, appreciate it! ?.



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