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11 May 2024 18:16:48
Can’t believe the amount of people wanting Clemente away already. Before he came in we were miles behind. Also having a half a squad out injured isn’t helping. A number of players who have downed tools and others who simply aren’t good enough. That’s not the managers fault. He can only pick what’s available and while it’s not ideal what else can he do. We need to give him two transfer windows before judging him. Who else would have got a tune of the current squad given the mess that he inherited.

Agree7 Disagree0

11 May 2024 18:21:01
Don’t want him out at all, his selections have been very questionable though even with the injuries.

11 May 2024 18:33:54
Were still miles behind. Sorry correction he has gained 1 point on celtic.

11 May 2024 18:35:56
We’re miles behind still.

11 May 2024 18:38:06
He is making an awful lot of questionable decisions / mistakes.

He’s showing a stubbornness to change despite it clearly not having worked previously

He’s showing a reluctance to address blatantly obvious personnel issues

We are continually losing in the same areas against them and are no better then we were

Has he done enough to get the summer? Probably

Do I think he will bring his players in and his shortcomings will disappear? Probably not

If he is going to be given £20 odd million to rebuild this squad then the board need to be sure he’s the right man.

Being honest I don’t think he has proven he is

Would love to be wrong but I doubt he will be our manager this time next year.

11 May 2024 18:40:42
Don't want him out but still miles behind.

11 May 2024 18:40:59
We are getting no where changing managers constantly. 4 managers in 3 years and very little silverware.

Let's try something different because that's not working and reason we are in the position we are today.

PC biggest problem outside the unbalanced squad Beale left was trusting Lundstrum, Goldson and Tavernier as his core of senior players. He is lucky Lunny is out of contract. If he keeps faith in those other 2 he will end up losing his job.

11 May 2024 18:48:49
The board know another re build is required

If the season finished 6 games ago no one would bat an eyelid

However, they are discharged with acting in the best interests of the shareholders. It is their responsibility to ensure they hand the summer transfer budget to someone they fully back and believe in. is PC that man?

Let’s take it further, what are the common attributes that go into being a good rangers manager that the board will be assessing his performance on?

Tactical Nous

Man management



Improvements since he came in

European results

Specifically results performances and decisions in the pressurised matches v Celtic

Does he pass them all with full marks?

I would give him Europe, and grinding out results since he came in until crunch time.

11 May 2024 19:24:53
SDR, if the Board had backed Gerrard when he won the league he might still be here and we might have added a couple more titles.
They didn't, we had a succession of failures and when we did get someone decent they couldn't cash in on them quick enough.
That isn't the traits of a Board with ambition to win things.
Hopefully it will be different under Bennett, I am confident we will see change but another season of failure and I suspect the fans will be very restless.

11 May 2024 19:26:34
Pc needs a bit more time.
Our time will come soon.

11 May 2024 19:36:47
Unfortunately Wilkinsssscreamer we can't wait for our time will come soon its got to be now. We are inferior in every way the board have 100% to blame. Its came down to beale and giving him a platform and money to waste. PC has a very small part to blame in playing borna end if. The full team is a shambles.

11 May 2024 19:43:04
The reality for me is simply this - Celtics starting 11 is stronger than ours.

If I were to pick my starting 11 from our fully fit squad, I'd only have 4 of today's 11.

So really can't see what more PC could have done.

11 May 2024 19:58:13
Berkshire, 100% with you on that.

Not backing SG that summer was the start of all of this.

11 May 2024 20:17:30
Berkshire, nonsense about Gerrard. He was always leaving at the first offer from EPL.

11 May 2024 20:45:56
Think the management's hands have been tied, by Injury, players form dipping, some looking away for a while, some past their best, some having to play in unfamiliar positions, think he deserves a chance to build "his" team with players he brings in, budget restrictions don't help either, he got us in the hunt, yes we've fecked it, let him build and see where we go.

11 May 2024 21:23:40
Needs to stay imo think PC will do well for us - they had a full team we had at least 5 starters out - he inherited a poor team lacking in belief - not sure we will attract a higher calibre manager - hard to win games when you have guys like silva who misses sitters and dessers who misses sitters and guys like BB and Davies starting and wright off bench - team is really weak and I think he has done a very good job since he came in - had Beale stayed I think we would be 15+ points behind ??????.

11 May 2024 21:28:43
Not seen or heard one fan say they want clement out, where you hearing/ seeing this?

11 May 2024 21:35:08

Agree. We have a better goalkeeper. They have a much better midfield and better forwards too. Neither defence is solid.

Maybe PC has actually done reasonably well to keep the title race going till this stage along with a decent enough European run and LC win.



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