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02 Dec 2023 15:37:27
Apologies if this has already been posted, couldn't be bothered scrolling through posts. I've heard that Lammers wants away in the January window. don't know if there is any truth in this? I personally hope it's true.

Nothing against the guy, I even thought at one point he could have been good. I got that one wrong. He's just not making the grade @ Rangers. Shame to see any player fail that plays for Rangers, but unfortunately he's just not good enough.

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02 Dec 2023 16:44:06
Good! If he needs help packing his bags, I'm available.

02 Dec 2023 17:22:51
Beach football for the big man. Lovely hair for it.

02 Dec 2023 17:37:00
I'll drive him to the airport. there's room in my car for Sterling, Dowell and Dessers?.

02 Dec 2023 19:02:44
Was not long ago people on here were saying how good dowell was now they are going to drive him up the road ?.

02 Dec 2023 19:06:11
Be great if he does want away. We will take a some hit in transfer fee tho. absolutely honkin.

02 Dec 2023 19:38:04
He hasn’t been good enough and the fans have made their minds up. Had high hopes for him but at this moment in time no great loss. Hoped the same for dessers but doesn’t look like that will happen either. Looks like they will leave at a loss.

02 Dec 2023 21:43:07
Anybody in that squad who is unhappy and wants to leave can go. The only one who might find a club comparable to Rangers is Butland and none of them should kid themselves that they are irreplaceable. The old boys who helped win 55 and got us to the final in Europe have contributed something but the rest should be grateful they ever got to play for a club like Rangers and in fact how some of them did, is beyond belief .

02 Dec 2023 21:53:42
cannot see anyone wanting him tbh.

02 Dec 2023 23:26:48
Another beale bad decision obvious from lammers day 1 interview he expected to be played as a striker not midfielder.

03 Dec 2023 00:41:49
No wonder he is pissed off when the manager plays that clown Lammers in front of him … Cantwell should be central like last year… he ripped Celtic apart in there… but clement stick him out wide… think the manager could be another le guen… a blind man can see Lammers is dung….

03 Dec 2023 01:15:50
Manager could be under instructions to get the best out of players he wants sold

A bit hard to sell lammers if not playing

Lol having said that it's also a bit harder if teams seen him play ?.

03 Dec 2023 01:30:52
Biggest issue if true is can we recoup any money for him. At least getting rid even for a substantial loss will free us of his wages. But who would take him.

03 Dec 2023 05:03:06
He’s the third Chuckle brother! Absolutely hopeless!

03 Dec 2023 10:02:26
Harun, if you didn't do your job correctly your boss would get someone who could so to. call PC a dud is ridiculous TC has to stop believing his own hype and knuckle down or he'll be out the door long before PC.

03 Dec 2023 12:34:04
@Mark44 why would you want rid of Sterling? Boys hardly had a chance, Dowell I can understand as he’s too injury prone and Dessers goes without saying but Sterling is a strange one!

03 Dec 2023 14:25:28
G- bone, we're paying him 20k a week for what?

03 Dec 2023 15:40:59
Agreed one Walter. Harhun completely clueless. Could be another Timmy.

03 Dec 2023 23:07:21
Is Kieran dowell actually injured not seen him on the bench in a while and not heard the manager speak about him.

04 Dec 2023 09:48:26
Surely we have to learn by now it takes players time to settle sometimes tbf never thought Dowell would cut it at Rangers but Lammers might be the next Matondo.

04 Dec 2023 11:19:48

Can't see PC been told to generate firesale by playing cr££ when three bad results or three good ones by us has us up there. Best team always. Cantwell subbed first half, then Sunday had great game. PC obv. Had a word.

05 Dec 2023 21:30:29
You will find a lot of players will want to leave Scotland not just Lammers if the Scottish government follow through with their increase with their tax plans.

06 Dec 2023 23:56:16
I can’t remember how much we paid for Lammers,
But I wouldn’t be prepared to let him leave without recouping the fee.
I feel the same about Dessers but may be prepared to make a small loss if a replacement became available at the correct price which I think is unlikely in January.
We definitely can’t afford paying out 4 million on players and letting them go after half a season for nothing and that’s the problem.

08 Dec 2023 02:24:55
Lammers has been poor but I at least never question he puts in the effort just simply not good enough at moment.

But if I had to choose between lammers and hagi I'd take hagi.



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