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08 Dec 2023 20:15:13
I see lee McCulloch reckons hearts would want £2million for shankland but rangers should only offer £1million max for him due to him having only 18 months left on his current contract ?.

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08 Dec 2023 21:07:53
If Hearts want 2 million they effectively value him as an 8 million pound striker, 1 million not far away.

08 Dec 2023 22:25:20
No TJBB at he value him at 2 million if that’s what they want.

I have my doubts they will only want two million.

08 Dec 2023 22:29:27
Better options available that will cost less.

08 Dec 2023 22:34:11
No chance, takeaway the pens (Tav, even the missed ones) he isn't that great, also slow, and no sell on, no chance.

08 Dec 2023 23:51:09
Shankland could be the difference in winning the league this season although money wise the summer would be cheaper to pick him up, maybe Clemont got someone in mind from his last jobs, maybe ask Santa for. 30 goal a season striker that stays fit been a while since a seen one in a Rangers shirt.

09 Dec 2023 03:04:45
1.5 million plus Scott Wright or 5 million plus Dessers and it’s a done deal.

09 Dec 2023 08:48:32
My point was how to extrapolate the value of a player based on the selling price which shows if it is 2 million how excessive this is as Hears basically saying he is an 8 million pound player which he isnt. May be the reason we don't go for Scottish players, cany just pluck figures out of thin air. Lee McCullough is quoted as saying 1 million which is nearer the mark, Hearts will want 2 though and I would like a Lamborghini for Christams.

09 Dec 2023 12:22:39
Lee McCulloch can say whatever he likes the same as me and you, it’s hearts we need to deal with if we want him no one else.

09 Dec 2023 13:01:58
2 million lol they wil wantcloser to 3million he's Thier main man and remember what they did with souttar I'd give them feck all. Wait the 18 months to sign him look at other options right now.



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