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07 Feb 2024 07:31:14
Huge well done to Tod Cantwell, no bad for a player labelled a sand dancer eh.

Agree3 Disagree0

07 Feb 2024 08:36:37
Same with Silva JFM63, he’s never a centre forward ???.

07 Feb 2024 08:46:09
But that's exactly what he was playing like. It's only in the last couple of games he's done well, before that, he was poor, taking dives, getting needles bookings, and not following his manager's instructions.

If you're not lurking on the live chat, Jfm, then clyping on what posters post, or having a pop at posters having opinions, you're going in wee cream puffs when posters take a pop back, so I hope you can take this opinion on board.

07 Feb 2024 09:03:56
getting back to this time last years performances.

07 Feb 2024 09:38:25
When Cantwell keeps it simple he is a huge asset to the team and is now scoring important goals.
His work rate is also impressive.

07 Feb 2024 09:42:18
No problem raisetheroofe, I'll continue to say what I like, I read the live chat, big deal,
Touch sensitive over my sand dancer comment, I wonder why.
We had a great result last night and there's at least four of our players getting it from the posters on here.
Try enjoying the result, you never know you might just like it.

07 Feb 2024 09:58:11
"Sensitive"?! ???? Do you want to tell my wife that? ?

If you were lurking on the live chat last night you would have read how much I enjoyed the result last night (no luck there matey) . Also, you would have read me calling out posters who were posting the most ridiculous comments regarding Lawrence, Silva, even Motondo (oh no, unlucky again) .

Yes, I criticised Goldson for being weak in the tackle for their goal, but I wasn't wrong. Yes, I said McCausland's final ball was poor, and again, I wasn't wrong. And you know what, see when I am wrong, I own it and take the criticism, because we all get stuff wrong.
However, one thing I don't do is get all high and mighty when I get something right the way you do.

You know what, you remind me of another poster on here, but I can't remember who? Nah, only joking, you're like a mirror image of him.

Like I said mate, I hope I haven't offended you there, I'd be sad to see you leave (for a day) again.

07 Feb 2024 10:49:05
I didn't see the live chat last night as I was too ill. Nor did I see the game although I watched all the highlights I could find this morning.
My comments were based on posts on the game last night where after a very good result at least 4 of our players got pelters.
If you dislike my posts so much just scroll om past.
None of the comments were aimed directly at you as you're not the only poster to use the sand dancer comment.
However you seem to have taken them personally.
Get over it, life is too short.
I've got bigger problems to worry about than your opinion of me.
Have a nice life.

07 Feb 2024 10:59:35
I don't need to get over it, mate, you're thinking too much about this. The reason I don't have to get over it is because I don't use the term "sand dancer", but carry on believing it. ??.

07 Feb 2024 11:22:36
Apologies Jfm, I forgot to add that I'm sorry to hear you are ill again, hope you get better soon. Keep the chin up, mate.

07 Feb 2024 12:13:59
Cheers rtr, I've got a few things wrong with me but to add insult to injury I've got a bad kidney this week. There are many on here worse of than me and I admire their courage. Unfortunately in the last 5 years I've gone from being a workaholic to only working a paltry 10 hours a week but my health has deteriorated to the extent that I've handed in a long notice and I'll no longer be working after the end of June.
Not looking for sympathy it's just a wee update on what's going on but I appreciate the comment.
To the other posters with bigger issues, stay strong because despite our wee niggles and different approaches to our players performances we are all gers and we all want our team to be successful.

07 Feb 2024 12:19:58
That sounds horrific mate.
Just like you, I've had some health issues, but I've taken stock, changed my diet, no more alcohol (I wasn't much of a drinker anyway), take a range of supplements, and I'm back training. The training is hard as my fitness was poor, but I take small steps, and if I feel exhausted, I step back until feeling better.
Good luck mate, I really mean that!

07 Feb 2024 12:35:02
Cheers rtr, I've never been a drinker and my diet is pretty reasonable. My knees, hips and back are all in a bad way, add in type 1 diabetes for the last 50 years and my body is not playing ball.
I was reasonably fit until 2018, after finishing the great North run, the last of many marathons and half marathons in my life my joints started to fail. Just how it is, the biggest challenge for me is going to be not working. Never been idle in my life and not sure how ill mage it. One day at a time.

07 Feb 2024 12:51:05

Players form dips and rises mate, its part of football!

This time last year he was excellent. Too many fans expect perfection! Yu don't get perfection in the Scottish game, yhou don't get perfection anywhere.

The supposed best league in the world EP, has a barrel of players on ridiculous money who are quite honestly mince!

Balance, perspective, reality.

07 Feb 2024 14:34:09
I'm the same with my joints mate. Years of road work, martial arts, playing in goals on red Ash during the 80's has all taken hold, Jfm. What I would say is that the inflammation, and pain, really only intensified after getting the cv jab. It might only be a coincidence, but who really knows?

What I will say, and it's not for everyone, I feel a lot healthier now I don't take the strong painkillers. The codeine, tramadol tablets made me feel horrific, and since I stopped them (3 weeks of withdrawals aside), I feel a lot better.

I might be in pain, but I manage it through other ways and I can honestly say I feel a million times better than the zombie state I used to be in.

07 Feb 2024 14:40:02
Jfm63, I hope things improve for you pal, all the best.

07 Feb 2024 16:02:53
I haven't taken a C.V. jab the last two years. Part of the reason I have so much pain is I refuse to take painkillers stronger than co-codamol
The GP prescribed me tramadol but after reading up on it they are still lying in a full box. I'd rather be in pain than become addicted to a painkiller that turns you into a zombie. (sorry zombies no offence intended) .

07 Feb 2024 16:58:08
Some things are more important guys, better to have a friend to argue with, than not have a friend to talk to. Hope you feel better jfm and ah suppose rtr 2?.



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