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26 May 2024 08:07:49
Now the dust has settled it's harder to take these defeats but to be honest it's getting the norm now.

I think we have to sell Butland if we want to invest in that team.

Tav has been a great servant but if he's anywhere near that team and also captain next season Phil can collect his P45.

Id give big Leon another year. Very solid. i'd give Davis a mention too. Came in to the team and done well.

Yilmaz i'd sell too. Far too injury prone.

We need to build the team around Sterling and play him at RB.

Diomande looked good yesterday. Raskin did well too.

I like Cantwell and to be honest at this moment he's our only creative player in that midfield.

Id be getting rid of Dessers, Matondo, Wright, Dowell, Jack, Lundstrum, (Barasic is going) and Goldson.

Would I sigh Sima? Yes but only at the right money.

This can't happen again next season.

We need to but well to have any chance of winning anything next season.

On to the ref yesterday. One word. "Joke! "

Tough times the now bears.

Agree3 Disagree0

26 May 2024 10:25:01
I hate to say this but we are now a spent force, we have no real serious investment channels, very limited money to bring in new players. I am old enough to remember the 79-85 times when had attendances under 15k …. yes under 15k we sat mid table then came the glory years. And regardless of your opinion of Sir David without him that would never have been achieved, he brought in Souness, Woods, Butcher and a raft of others and we yearn for those days to return, however these are now ancient history and whether we like it or not regardless of our relegation or not we sat back and basked on those years failing to properly invest and look to the future. And now onto recent history, many managers have come and gone and not achieved success so what do we do?
IMO Phil is a decent manager and has an eye for players, but not all players can fit into the physicality of the Scottish game, O fear some dark times ahead for a couple more years then we will come back.
Sit down, hold on and believe ‘we are the people’.

26 May 2024 10:25:23
I really am sickened mate. Honestly they are becoming a real drain to me on a daily basis. Not sickened at the performance just the inevitable kick in the balls. Its almost cruel. i'm very glad of the break now get my mind off it.

26 May 2024 10:52:14
It’s getting rid of guys like matondo that’s near impossible, he’s on big money, he’s a poor player and he’s regularly injured.

26 May 2024 11:44:34
Was it not David Homes that brought in Souness?



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