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20 Feb 2024 20:23:14
I love the mantras 'one game at a time' and 'it's a Marathon not a sprint' Big Phil knows what he's talking about. He's been a winner almost everywhere he's went.

The proofs in the pudding aswell by the way he's been using the squad and how organised we've been, how together all the lads seem it is a joy to behold.

Everyone is getting a chance to impress and they all seem to singing from the same song sheet.

So we got the EL draw on Friday I'm honestly not scared of any team and will take anyone on. Then it's league business Saturday against the Jambos who BTW have been playing quite well and will be tough to beat but again quietly confident. Don't care what that other mobs score is on Sunday regardless. Its all about Rangers just keep winning and building momentum. I'm almost daring to dream but keeping my feet on the ground for now.

Agree7 Disagree0

20 Feb 2024 20:35:01
Great post AP.

20 Feb 2024 20:57:01
Brilliant AP?? the squad rotation with continued consistency of performance shows just how good a man manger big Phil is.

20 Feb 2024 21:00:37
Bang on the dime PA, nailed it!

20 Feb 2024 22:45:50
Goop post arcade.
Ac21, one of the most impressive things about big Phil is the rotation of the squad, when was the last time we could change 4-5 players in spl games (not cup) and feel confident of a win? I can't think of a time tbh. All the boys will be training well because everyone must think there's a chance to start, it's brilliant management from him, I have questioned a couple of his line ups, but will not make sam mistake again.

20 Feb 2024 22:57:02
Great post AP, as PC said, 1 game at a time, every game we win increases the pressure on them, stay focussed.

20 Feb 2024 23:33:29
Yip mate very well said

Managers often say it’s a clean slate for everyone but I think Phil has literally done that.

The togetherness of the squad and players is very very obvious. He really has brought them all together

I think Brenda will be out before the seasons over.

I think the lawwell’s will both be hounded out in the summer and I see real turmoil ahead for the football side of the club.
Also worth noting that there’s only around 2 months left until the deadline for the court case they’ve been saving up for years to cover.
The £100m in the bank will be spent on out of court settlements before the season is out
It’s just a case of how much.

I sense a change in the wind coming big time.

21 Feb 2024 09:41:58
Boy ble I worried about the amount of changes however he is on the button.

21 Feb 2024 14:00:50
John I'll be honest I was a bit more than worried, I was thinking what the feck are you thinking, but what do I know.

22 Feb 2024 10:33:51
Cheers blue. The only thing I know for certain is clement knows more than us.



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