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30 Jan 2024 09:54:50
Lot of frayed nerves in here past couple of days, bit of nibbling going on everywhere, we're all blue well apart from dujon/ coldo? this is meant to be the fun part.

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30 Jan 2024 10:16:36
Fork, I think the guy coldo is a blue nose, just an a as defined by Ed 1.

30 Jan 2024 10:25:32
Lol hard to keep up sometimes, apologies if true?.

30 Jan 2024 10:52:13
Coldo is definitely a Rangers supporter, who believe it or not, was a good contributer on here for many year.
Looks like you've fell into, and jumped on, the Coldo hate club, fork without knowing the guy.

30 Jan 2024 11:14:15
Not at all just going by others posts, hates a strong word that I don't use and as u saw I apologised for assuming incorrectly, was going on others posts previously labelling one and the same dujon/ coldo.

30 Jan 2024 11:16:13
Oh and the post was levity and I didn't jump on anything hate club or otherwise, I'm not your storm today?.

30 Jan 2024 11:18:28
The guy coldo gets mentioned a lot has since I joined I scratch my head at a lot of posts I don't understand the obsession what did he actually do that merits the constant mention, the poster sweep was mentioned a lot too not seen him post in a while either.

30 Jan 2024 11:26:38
Baffling n bonkers at times.

30 Jan 2024 11:29:18
"I'm not your Storm today"? If you can't take someone commenting on your post, fork, you really shouldn't be posting on an online forum. ?.

30 Jan 2024 11:32:40
They went against the grain with many, GJD, and it all went a little nasty. Coldo never helped himself in some cases, but before it went bad, he was a good poster.

30 Jan 2024 11:40:43
Coldo is just a poster like most of us, not too many 5th columnists on this site. I don’t contribute much myself information wise but I enjoy the craic.

30 Jan 2024 11:44:36
Coldo was an out and out bully who has been banned on multiple occasions by the Ed’s

Sweep was just a negative poster who on many an occasion posted good stuff, if you dropped a point he would concede league,

30 Jan 2024 12:48:53
I really like the site I think I try to have a fair assessment on posters views and team performances, I like having discussions about the team but I think we all should appreciate that if we all shared same opinion it would probably be quite boring, suppose the key thing is we should all try to respect each others posts that are shared in the appropriate manor, it is quite hard tho if someone is being petty or name calling / being abusive, not had much in the way of disagreements personally I'd like to think just pleasent discussions haha let's hope we have some pleasant discussions about a top striker being brought in before deadline ????.

30 Jan 2024 12:54:08
Oh I can take it roofe"not your storm" was in jest or don't u get humour.

30 Jan 2024 13:12:37
In that case, I apologise for picking you up wrong, fork.

30 Jan 2024 14:12:34
Not a problem bud all good fun?.

30 Jan 2024 14:14:04
Must admit I got on well with coldo most of the time. Definitely a blue nose and likes to cross swords on occasion lol. Not sure if dujon and coldo are one and the same mind you. . As John says, sweep was or is a kind of worlds ended type of guy if we dared to drop a point.

31 Jan 2024 11:31:14
I’m with you Seeker, I never had any problems with Coldo.



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