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BobbyMcK's rumours posts with other poster's replies to BobbyMcK's rumours posts


22 Oct 2023 12:40:37
I was told on Thursday 19th Jewell had almost instantly turned the offer down.


1.) 22 Oct 2023 12:52:49
Cool Bobby. At least if that’s the case we r targeting the correct level.

2.) 22 Oct 2023 15:02:40
Almost instantly turned it down?

3.) 22 Oct 2023 15:04:53
Was never leaving Brighton for the spfl.

4.) 22 Oct 2023 17:23:42
Maybe he wants a chance at being the main director of football. That job may not be available at Brighton. Like a first team coach stepping away to become the manager.

5.) 22 Oct 2023 17:35:19
David he is not getting weirs job at brighton.

6.) 22 Oct 2023 17:51:21
You don't ask you don't get simple

Good on club for aiming high.

7.) 22 Oct 2023 21:01:43
You don’t make an offer of this magnitude off the cuff. Was he approached and rejected any further advances or did negotiations take place before failing?

Not sure we’ll ever know the truth.

8.) 22 Oct 2023 21:13:28
That’s my point John and maybe he wants to be a director of football but due to it not being available at Brighton he’d consider moving.

9.) 22 Oct 2023 23:14:17
Almost instantly. He first had a sip of his coffee, just off hyndland road.

10.) 23 Oct 2023 10:03:21
No no no Orange, not off but on?.

11.) 23 Oct 2023 16:31:23
What a silly man not taking a job with Rangers. He must not have any ambition staying in England. Hope he changes his mind before someone else is offered it.

12.) 25 Oct 2023 13:29:55
There's a shocker, mr always right tom thumb having a pop at a poster for using the word wonderful, you absolutely rip me man, know what isn't wonderful your constant nit picking, you and stormtrooper by far the most sarcy nippy posters on here.



12 Oct 2023 22:15:50
I’m hearing D o F job is filled, not Weir or Mitchell, but someone close to home and a surprise.


1.) 12 Oct 2023 23:32:07
My guess would be Craig Moore and if it is him that allows you to make a well educated guess at who the manager will be. Souness is the only other close to home possibility but i can't really see that happening.

2.) 12 Oct 2023 23:45:16
If it’s Souness? Then it’s not a surprise….

3.) 13 Oct 2023 00:09:22
If its moore muscats new manager

Craig oz moore 1 of my idols.

4.) 13 Oct 2023 08:33:32
Neil Mcann
Kenny Miller.

5.) 13 Oct 2023 08:41:50
Could it be Souness or McLeish?

Souness rumoured to be aiding the manager selection process and the latter bumping his gums about what Rangers need, name dropping former players for assistant roles?

Rumbling on the old social media saying the stadium tour was routed around the press room due to preparations for a Friday announcement - all likely a component in the bubbling hysteria but I’m sure we would all like the weekend to come in with something on our new manager.

6.) 13 Oct 2023 11:10:48
Bluedreamer, if it was Kenny Miller I'm sure the story would have been leaked by now. Not sure if it was him or his wife, but one of them seemed to like to chat to the press.

7.) 13 Oct 2023 11:42:05
I'd like it to be Souness, he still has the contacts, but I suspect that the job has been filled from within, (John Park), the current Chief Scout, if it isn't Mitchell or Weir.

8.) 13 Oct 2023 13:08:14
The only ex player I could see in the DOF role is Weir, if he wanted to come back up north . He is doing the same role currently . I just can`t see any of the others mentioned being qualified to do all the negotiating contracts and finances. Having coaching certificates or big mouths on podcasts doesn`t qualify them for such an important job heading up the whole of the football department.

9.) 13 Oct 2023 14:54:40
Big eck has some health issues mate. He’s from my hometown
I don’t think he’ll be back involved with football.

10.) 13 oct 2023 18:12:36
so alex mcliesh, a ranger to his toes and treble winning manager, is “ bumping his gums “”

w3 certainly do have an issue with rangers legends on here don't we.

11.) 13 Oct 2023 19:32:30
Tomthumb I never mentioned Alex McLeish, I said ex players and if you knew anything about Rangers you would knoq that Alex McLeish never played for Rangers. I have a problem with ex players spending their time slagging current players just to keep themselves relevant which strikes me as hypocritical . Nobody denies that the likes of Boyd, Ferguson and Moore did some good things as players but they had some poor times too and they forget that. I also wouldn`t describe any of them as legends, Greig is a legend, Jardine is a legend, McCoist is a legend, these guys were good players nothing more.

12.) 13 Oct 2023 22:47:18
Barry Ferguson is a rangers legend mate.



02 Oct 2023 12:17:50
John27 Genuine question, is there any truth that Craig Moore who’s been running Beale down for weeks is Kevin Muskats agent?


1.) 02 Oct 2023 12:44:10
Bobby I do not believe this to be the case, muscat manages his own affairs.
I think it’s more of a case Moore bugging up a fellow Australian, remember more also said he wants to be our dof.

2.) 02 Oct 2023 14:56:43
Let's face it wasn't hard to slate Beale when you watched the performances week in week out.

3.) 02 Oct 2023 16:15:50
Just browsing through posts on various sites, it is very apparant that there are very mixed views on Muscat being the next manager, if they go down this route, we may have another scenario like we just had with MB.

4.) 02 Oct 2023 16:59:57
Personally i would go for ruud van nistelrooy but who ever is next in i will support them.

5.) 02 Oct 2023 17:23:20
Did Moore not recommend ange to rangers.

6.) 02 Oct 2023 17:23:42
Nisterooy ooft no thanks.

7.) 02 Oct 2023 17:27:54
I know you don't want muscat as our new manager John227,do you mind if i ask why mate ? Also John227, what's your thoughts on marcelo gallardo as hopefully in the frame and who is your no.1 choice mate ?.

8.) 02 Oct 2023 17:29:04
That's a bit left field INTR. First time I've hear Van Nistelrooy mentioned.

9.) 02 Oct 2023 17:31:24
Everyone has their different choices Teds_Pal John and for every name that's said by someone, someone else will think that's a risk ?Any new appointment is going to be a risk.

10.) 02 Oct 2023 17:47:22
True Walter.

11.) 02 Oct 2023 18:23:40
Agreed with Walter, Everyone's a risk.

Doesn't matter if he's got 10 years worth of experience or none. Drop the ball early and it will all just become toxic.

12.) 02 Oct 2023 19:06:48
Walter not a clue re gallardo, very poor English.

13.) 02 Oct 2023 19:09:31
Walter I don’t want muscat becase his win record is poor, his we run in Belgium 13 % win rate

He’s only in frame as he played 20 games for us and slagged us big time when he left, I have same feeling about him as I did re Beale.

14.) 02 Oct 2023 20:09:20
So who's your no.1 choice John227?.

15.) 02 Oct 2023 20:43:13
As it stands I want Jensen, I understand that’s who Bennett wants.

16.) 02 Oct 2023 23:28:50
Van Nistelroy would be pointless we tried the Dutch route with Gio and he got shot down in flames after a reasonable amount of success and a fortune put in the coffers!
Muscat has been successful I don’t know much about him but I think it’s a little harsh to judge him on his spell in Belgium it was a fairly poor team he took charge of over there.
Jansen is another Dutchman who has a very decent record with AZ but will he be better than van bronkhorst?
Personally I’d like a British manager Potter would be my ideal candidate but maybe out of our price range ??‍♂️.




BobbyMcK's banter posts with other poster's replies to BobbyMcK's banter posts


16 Jul 2024 10:06:50
Is it realistic and achievable that Tavernier, Goldson, Lawrence, Davies, Hagi, Dessers, Wright, Cantwell and Lammers all to be moved on, to fund a Rangers rebuild. It’s a big ask but the squad is bloated by players who have underperformed and needs serious trimming.


1.) 16 Jul 2024 12:42:13
Lawrence, Davies, Hagi, Wright, Matondo, Dowell, Lammers and Dessers all need to go in my opinion . None of them have made any impact at all at Ibrox . You could argue maybe that Dessers scored over 20 goals last season but the chances he passed up, his lack of mobility and physical presence just means he isn`t what we need. We may be able to sell him based on his previous reputation and we should do so if we can . I wouldn`t sell Tav and Cantwell unless we get ridiculous offers but Goldson looks done to me, so if we get an offer and he wants to take it, its probably the right time.



28 Jun 2024 20:10:57
How many players have Rangers missed out on signing? We must be well down the wish list now? Ont our 3/ 4 choices for every position we’re targeting? Have we actually sold anyone yet?


1.) 28 Jun 2024 20:26:22
No but stevie may be incoming. Medical booked.

2.) 28 Jun 2024 20:37:24
Who have we missed out on Bobby?

3.) 28 Jun 2024 20:55:50
So what you’re saying is, you believe all the trash that is written daily in the papers and online regarding who we are supposedly after? You do realise that most of those reports are just pure guess work or players agents who are hocking their client about, ‘offering’ them to us along with lots of other clubs and then leaking it to the press (trying to basically drum up interest for their player).

So in other words, players we are not interested in. Other than maybe Cordoba I don’t believe there has been any other player that we’ve been confirmed as going for that has either gone elsewhere or definitively turned us down.

4.) 28 Jun 2024 21:01:22
Nobody knows who we’ve missed out on. The international window isn’t even open yet lol.

5.) 28 Jun 2024 21:16:00
Who says any player mentioned in the media or on here is a target of Koppen or PC, the windows not open yet and it’s panic stations on here it’s mad.

6.) 28 Jun 2024 21:18:17
Bobby, apart from boy from Panama who have we missed out on.

7.) 28 Jun 2024 21:51:06
John do you expect more activity to be ramped up from Monday onwards.



28 May 2024 14:38:40
I think we need a strong midfield player maker, a Boss, possible Captain. I know easy to say difficult to find and sign. But we have been missing this on the park for a good while and it would pay dividends. Any thoughts on who he could be?


1.) 28 May 2024 16:00:22
He already plays for us…Dujon Sterling.
The guy has been a standout as a utility player, had more passion in his post match pressers against Dundee that Tav has ever shown in one (I’m a Tav fan btw) .

I’d build the team around him and make either him or Butland captain. We do need a midfielder who can control the tempo of a game though. Like a Steven Davis but we’ll be lucky to find one in our price range.

2.) 28 May 2024 16:56:03
I would have Dujon Sterling in midfield above any other position in our team.

3.) 28 May 2024 17:27:43
Sterling for captain Jesus Christ naw. Just naw.
He shouldn’t be in midfield either he should be our new right back.

4.) 28 May 2024 17:32:17
The wording of utility man although accurate does Sterling a disservice he needs to have his own starting 11 slot and that is RB most likely from now on.

He has earned the right for his position.

5.) 28 May 2024 18:03:30
How should he not be our next captain stromtrooper? He has performed at his best for us in midfield, so how should he not be in midfield?

6.) 28 May 2024 18:24:50
Blue he is a rb, let’s see what he does when he is actually played in his natural position

Showing nothing yet to suggest he should be the captain, at present that role should go to Butland or mb Balogun as club captain.

7.) 28 May 2024 18:25:15
We've been at our best as a team when Sterling has been in midfield.

8.) 28 May 2024 18:35:15
Sterling would be a very good rb not much getting by him.

9.) 28 May 2024 18:42:38
Blue river we would be even better with a very good right back Sterling at right back and a very good midfielder in midfield.

10.) 28 May 2024 18:45:49
Matter of opinion, how often you watched him play rb.

11.) 28 May 2024 18:49:03
Balogun cannot be captain as he will only play a handful of games (hopefully)
Sterling has stood out in a season of underwhelming outfield performances
I look forward to seeing him get an extended run in a settled team but not quite captain material yet. I think the only logical choice would be Butland if Tav moves on.

12.) 28 May 2024 19:12:52
How often you watched him play RB John? I'm not saying he wouldn't be an excellent RB, He'd be excellent wherever he played. We have just been a better team when he has played in midfield.

What do you mean he hasn't showing anything to be captain, that just pure crap. He has shown leadership qualities to play in any position asked of him and always give 100%. He puts the team before him. That's captain material. He'll play more than Balogun I would think.

13.) 28 May 2024 19:15:29
Watched him at lb and not much gets by him.

14.) 28 May 2024 19:28:48
How often has he played in midfield? The boy is a right back and that’s where he should start. He is never a captain yet but saying he couldn’t become a rangers captain but it’s too early that’s my opinion
Blue river the same as you have an opinion ?.

15.) 28 May 2024 19:29:46
I like the look of the Georgian boy we’re linked with, different type of player, more of a 10 but looks very good, strong on ball, technical and good finisher.

16.) 28 May 2024 19:49:00
Why Butland for captain, I’d prefer an outfield player.
Don’t get this over enthusiasm with Sterling in midfield, yes he’s aggressive and can fill in a number of positions, but I’d rather we brought in one holding who’s athletic and can pass well, and a more forward thinking midfielder that plays between the lines.
Move Sterling to right back.

17.) 28 May 2024 19:55:44
He's played in midfield a helluva a lot more than RB and when he played in midfield everyone of us were ecstatic with his and our teams performances and everyone commented on how he bossed the midfield. Why is he "never a captain yet"?

18.) 28 May 2024 20:00:17
I thought Sterling was pretty poor on midfield.

Like a few would like to see him play in his natural position.

But for me, the jury's out.

19.) 28 May 2024 20:06:15
I don't like a keeper being captain. Sterling is brilliant but not captain. Just quietly goes about his business. We need a leader. We haven't bought him yet.

20.) 28 May 2024 20:21:15
According to Sterling his best position is midfield.

You're joking EHL, Everyone was raving about him in midfield.

21.) 28 May 2024 21:25:22
Give Sterling a run in midfield and watch him get slaughtered by the vocal minority after a few games.

22.) 28 May 2024 23:15:48
Like him in either role as long as not RW again. Preferably want him to replace Tav and we don't have another RB.



11 May 2024 14:43:09
Butland, Sterling, Diamonde, Silva only players with pass marks, plus Raskin and Ridvan when they came on.


1.) 11 May 2024 14:53:18
Mate Diomande was non existent. Raskin did more in 25 minutes.

2.) 11 May 2024 15:03:47
Diomande was horrific mate.

3.) 11 May 2024 15:20:48
Thot diomande was absolutely shocking. And silva was good going forward. Failed to track runner about 10 times.

4.) 11 May 2024 15:31:25
Do you think Davies was poor?

5.) 11 May 2024 15:33:31

6.) 11 May 2024 15:38:35
Raskin and Ridden did well when they came on and yes, Sterling, Diamond and Silva warrant pass marks but it was the same players that have been serial losers that were again failures today and we simply cannot go into another season with those guys still in the team. Thankfully a number of them will depart at the end of their contracts but my concern is how we get someone to come along and buy the others!



11 May 2024 14:07:27
What is Clement thinking takes Fabio Silva off (probably our best player) and replaces him with Scott Wright ?‍♂️.


1.) 11 May 2024 14:36:30
Silva looked dead on his feet. Put in some shift.
Assuming he felt pace was the only way we were going to salvage something from the game and that’s why Wright got the nod.

2.) 11 May 2024 14:38:04
Clemonts becoming another beale plus its crap being 2nd year in 6ear out.

3.) 11 May 2024 14:43:32
Silva had his best game for us but like dessers was dead on his feet

Lundstrum sold us down the river.

4.) 11 May 2024 14:50:33
Cmon beale helped create this mess we've a manager who's a winner and needs back.

5.) 11 May 2024 14:56:41
When Scott Wright is the best that we can bring on you know we have problems! The guy should be no where near a Rangers jersey! We need a major upgrade in the quality of player that we sign and we really do need to get rid of the serial losers.

6.) 11 May 2024 15:09:44
Tbf all the subs done well…the lineups of late are and have been a red flag on PC.

7.) 11 May 2024 15:24:53
Best game for Silva? He missed a sitter!

8.) 11 May 2024 15:39:26
When a player in Lundstrum's position has a bad game, I affects the whole team. It was not only this game he's been poor either. I thought Sterling had another great game.

9.) 11 may 2024 16:17:11
beaes fault, you couldn't make that up could ye.




BobbyMcK's rumour replies


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11 May 2024 18:26:17
The name I’m being told is James Easdale ?.




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03 Jan 2024 00:53:22
Ridvan had a good game today against Killie and was solid against Celtic. He can be a bit lightweight defensively.




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31 Oct 2023 00:49:33
Dado, John Park was overruled on most of the players he recommended by Beale. Only Butland and Sima were his recommendations, Luis Palma was his shout as well, agreed at £2.8million but again vetoed by Beale. Park’s recommendations at Celtic netted them Over £100 million profit over 10 years. He is a life long Rangers man, he only joined Celtic after being let down by McLeish who was supposed to take him with him from Hiba along with Andy Watson and Malky Thomson .




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02 Oct 2023 23:58:53
Alex Rae managerial career
Blackpool — sacked
St Mirren — sacked
Genk — sacked
Notts County — sacked
MK Dons — sacked
Dundee — sacked
Reading — sacked
Hardly Inspiring ??.




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18 Aug 2023 13:27:23
I think Goldson has lost a yard or two of pace since his injury last season, he was never the quickest. We need someone with pace at RCB to cover for Tav’s defensive shortcomings. We have looked vulnerable to the ball over the top since the season began.





BobbyMcK's banter replies


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25 Jun 2024 19:36:10
I’m more concerned with the quality of players in the jersey. So far this window our recruitment has been a shambles all these leaks on players coming to the club and then missing out on them . Koppen needs to keep his cards close to his chest and announce players when they have signed. It’s shoddy and unprofessional .




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25 Jun 2024 19:22:49
My unease is the number of players we publicly target, then we have end up with egg on our faces when they sign for other clubs or we don’t manage to sign them. Why are we doing business like this, it makes us look unprofessional and sloppy. Do the business, get players signed then release the names when the business is concluded. Koppen is not delivering on his promises so far, disappointing ?.




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29 May 2024 12:46:16
It’s reported “ A spokesman for Levski is quoted in Bulgaria's 'Telegraph' publication as stating: "We are sure that Jose's participation in the Copa America tournament will raise his price. There he will be on a huge showcase, which will be watched from all corners of the world”.




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29 May 2024 12:24:25
It reported his club moved the goalposts as the move neared completion.




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26 May 2024 12:20:01
The ball moved in the air, Butland was already moving, he done well to adjust and parry the shot. Davies should have closed Bernardo down and not give him the time to tee up the shot. It all came about because Wright couldn’t make a 5 yard pass. I thought Ridvan struggled the whole game, he clearly wasn’t 100%.




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