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26 Jul 2024 14:20:02
So transfers gathering pace. a lot of talk going about and rightly so - hopefully we can get lammers, Cantwell, dessers, Goldson, tav off to a new start and reduce wage bill and get a few new faces - I have trust in pc and nk to do their work well a think start of season could be shaky but so was ange's his first year - watp follow follow.


1.) 26 Jul 2024 15:12:33
Gazza u picking up any Tav wants a massive pay off to leave.

2.) 26 Jul 2024 15:37:01
He's on about 32k and 2yrs to go that's about 3.3m in wages?.

3.) 26 Jul 2024 15:50:34
Not more than that fork.

4.) 26 Jul 2024 16:11:40
Fat Ange got a new mention it's been a while, could be spelling the surname is too hard . Clement much easier of course so that's nice.

5.) 26 Jul 2024 18:09:05
hopefully the deals done in the next few weeks see more quality players brought in and more of the unwanteds / deadwood sold or loaned out, plenty work to do yet if we are going for 56, at a bare minimum, just over a month left until the transfer window closes.

At least we are seeing some positives regards ins and outs after the intial influx of new players, followed by the quiet spell of recent weeks.



27 Jan 2024 18:19:40
We have accepted a bid from Turkish side for Cifuentes with a loan and option to buy for two million in summer, sounds good to me, follow follow.





Gazza112's banter posts with other poster's replies to Gazza112's banter posts


12 Jul 2024 12:35:12
With the season about 3 weeks away how are we feeling with the signings so far? I think Cortes Barron and Jefte could feature heavily with Nsiala and Igamane being developed Liam Kelly obv speaks for himself with mccrorie away - of course am expecting a good few more ins and outs and more starter players being signed for the team still not got cb sorted maybe another cm and a goal scorer signed - but I am guessing that will determine on who goes and what's wages/ funds come in.


1.) 12 Jul 2024 13:53:42
The main problem I see is we are going into these fixtures with the same defence as last season and it’s just not good enough b.

2.) 12 Jul 2024 14:24:24
Exactly Storm

Hopefully we have more signings up our sleeves and see some more outgoings.

3.) 12 Jul 2024 14:57:32
If we still have Goldson and Tav, then it is going to be a long season.

4.) 12 Jul 2024 15:06:28
Our midfield lacked dig discipline and shape as too many did their own thing. I think barron will add something that was missing sotting beside dio. Raskin may come back in but i think young lennon miller if signed would start for us and that would be the biggest factor we would need to get across to sign him. My boy was a couple of year older than him but still played against him. The boy is a player. i'd also be looking at young macauley tait at hearts. Wee mac and his family are jambos season ticket holders but according to my boy he'd sign for rangers if it ever came up. 18/ 19 with plenty of dig with a good head on his shoulders and parents who are really good people.

5.) 12 Jul 2024 15:14:58
Defo storm. Very concerning.

6.) 12 Jul 2024 15:39:26
Agreed storm.
Everyone can see we need 2 starting centre backs.
Ano u and a lot of others want tav replaced, so it’s not good enough that not one of these positions had been sorted.

7.) 12 Jul 2024 16:20:43
Not sure barron will be a starter he'll be in rotation. Think Raskin and diamonde will feature heavier this year.

8.) 12 Jul 2024 18:38:48
Stevie, Sterling can replace Tav but pc will play both Tav and Goldson in cl qualifiers.

9.) 12 Jul 2024 19:41:10
Our central defence isn't good enough and we need a playmaker to dictate a game I don't see barron or diomande as the type to dominate the ball also we've essentially only dessers with danilo not fully able to play and PC saying inghamme not for first team immediately so a lot needs done.

10.) 12 Jul 2024 19:56:38
To quote @MyStar " I have it on good authority Tavs away" just saying. ?.

11.) 12 Jul 2024 23:05:36
Why are we employing Clement, we obviously don't need him, and we have now played two bounce games, and certain new players are considered not to be regular starters. Just leave it to PC, he knows better than us what's happening, and also should know his job will be on the line if we are not challenging for the title this season, it's early doors you folks in this window.



11 Jun 2024 18:22:10
Can't believe the ending to jacks season with us being non existent and he somehow makes the Scotland squad? Were we being too cautious with him? Or wanting a certain level of fitness that he couldn't achieve? He must be doing something right in Scotland camp .


1.) 11 Jun 2024 18:44:22
Weellll apparently he missed training today and was the only one to do so. Sounds about right, after all he did played about ten minutes the other night.

2.) 11 Jun 2024 19:50:16
Clement didn’t think he was at the level needed.

3.) 11 Jun 2024 20:11:32
I personally think he's there because this will be his last chance to be at a tournament for Scotland.

4.) 11 Jun 2024 21:15:50
Gazza, jack was the only player who didn't train today, so he's obv picked up another knock. Good player blighted by injury.

5.) 11 Jun 2024 21:52:13
Steve Clarke showing some loyalty to Jack and I don’t expect him to get any minutes on the grass, McLean more likely to come on for fresh legs in the middle of the park. IF we are leading Germany then maybe he has a chance to go on and tighten things up and try and see the game through. Imho Barron should have been given Jack’s place in the squad for his national team development and experience.



07 May 2024 11:07:29
We were in fleetwood at weekend at the kids football tournament and Charlie Adam was doing the presentation- when the microphone guy went through all the teams he played with he didn't mention rangers - of course all us being Scottish and gers fans were shouting for him to mention the gers but it didn't happen - one of the kids managed to get a question with Adam and he asked who was the best rangers player you played with and his response was why don't you just pick one - his feelings were clearly felt - can someone re-fresh my memory on why he would have been like this? A know there was some bad blood but can't remember what it was?


1.) 07 May 2024 11:19:41
He is a weapon Charlie Adam.

2.) 07 May 2024 12:08:36
Because he's only rangers minded when there's a copper penny in it for him.

A tosspot of the highest order.

3.) 07 May 2024 12:40:38
Not sure what went on there, fantastic footballer though. His brothers a bad apple.

4.) 07 May 2024 13:06:18
Gazza beacause Adan is a twit.

5.) 07 May 2024 13:38:20
Think he was upset that fashion sakala was voted favourite ex player with funny teeth.

6.) 07 May 2024 13:53:02
Can just see wee Sakala quoting the bible Big D " let him with dodgy gnashers get wallies first"??.

7.) 07 May 2024 16:57:12
Charlie adam made his feeling clear with his words about the club at a dark time for us, considering he spent many years here and learned his trade at the club I felt the comments were in very poor taste, I'd cross the road now if he was walking the same side of the street as me.

8.) 07 May 2024 17:08:03
I thought Carlos Cuellar won that award.

9.) 07 May 2024 17:41:09
Charlie Adam reminded me of tav. if his first pass in the match is misplaced, usually it’s that for the rest of the game. But on his day he could be great, especially if he started the game good lol.

10.) 07 May 2024 22:22:29
Wullie at least king carlos had braces to get them fixed lol.



28 Apr 2024 13:53:25
Clement came in done all the hard work for us back in the title race and actually had it on our hands to decide who would win the title since the Motherwell game we been back to the Beale days running out of ideas looking tired sluggish and all the rest of it - we are the architects of our own downfall - injury's have not helped but we have a big squad and pay big wages compared to the rest - what an over haul is needed in the summer a really don't think we have the funds to do what's needed - every game I watch now am nervous and even a goal or two up we look so vulnerable and always going to concede - corners have been changed up a bit today at least - follow follow.




07 Apr 2024 11:38:22
Come on the gers please please do this show them where we are at! Follow follow.


1.) 07 Apr 2024 12:10:19
Wtf was tav thinking about, and then placing a free kick in the goalkeepers hands.




Gazza112's rumour replies


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12 Feb 2024 16:52:09
Put it this way silva diomande and Cortes not one person on here had insight to these guys coming in so it was very astute bizz in my eyes I expect more of the same in summer.




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11 Jan 2024 09:30:21
Cheers ger88 , informative post, follow follow.




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05 Oct 2023 22:26:20
Lazlo if Beale has knowledge of all these players he signed why would he continuously play them out of position surely they know when they are not firing and playing out of position doesn’t help matters, all the players at rangers are on good money so jumping ship should not be an option but rolling three sleeves up and getting stuck in is the only thing they should be doing and restore some pride back to us, beale is maybe a good coach but not manager material imo.





Gazza112's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 18:21:07
Portger doesn’t matter who you mention you’ll get pelters this is where we at even on a rumour banter site - a hope it’s shankland anyways ;)




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26 Jul 2024 14:22:22
Let’s hope all the Russians take all the dross out our club and we can freshen things up boy blue.




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25 Mar 2024 12:11:16
Well bar what has ramsdale done to get a spot he’s been largely inactive all season and when called upon messes up - Butland has been consistent with playing and performances all season plus had European football so I think he’s done more than enough for a call up .




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23 Feb 2024 14:34:46
Seen that sws, gutted with that he was playing out his skin, hopefully Lawrence or diomande will slot in there nicely, also seen roofe is back in training but we know how that will go .




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17 Feb 2024 16:36:22
When goldson got injured against Liverpool and was out for a good bit we missed him he is a calming influence in our defence good range of passing makes the odd mistake but who doesn’t, trusted by all our managers so far .




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