12 Jan 2025 16:52:58
Aye that walk out protest went well. ? an absolute shambles and disgrace so it was. ? I said before going to the game today that the ones that were planning this farce just shouldn't go to the game. ?
Any protest should have been done at the main doors before or after the game in an orderly manner for any wishing to do so. ? We don't need morons following our club in this manner who constantly bring fines and disgrace to our club and continue even when they're told the consequences. ?
I praise the union bears when they bring their atmosphere in a civilised manner by singing the proper songs. ?But they also bring this element we don't want at our club and that just has to stop because they're hurting our club ?.
12 Jan 2025 17:27:42
They are embarrassing all dressed in black what is that all about, they have cost the club a small fortune in Europe with their flares and the songs they sing are embarrassing supporters don't make me laugh.
12 Jan 2025 17:32:50
Our biggest fines have come from the behaviour of the directors and owners of Coops. HMRC CMA have fined us far in excess of what the UBs have cost us. They are entitled to protest in any lawful way they please. They are venting their anger at said folks who have run our club into the ground once more. The UBs whether you like them or not enhance the atmposphere and that atmosphere gets us over the line on many occasion. Where were at as a club has nothing to do with any supporter. I would be pointing the finger at Murray, Ashley, Green, Parkes, Robertson, Pedro, Beale etc etc.
12 Jan 2025 17:46:17
Their opinion is no different to mine or yours that's what they done and you stayed that's it.
I don't agree with what the did but I won't go crazy on them.
They didn't do anything illegal or that will cost us money. You think they are better ways to protest but that's how they done it.
What was noticeable it was very quiet until the 55th min when the other fans decided to sing. Why didn't they sing from the start? As that would have showing the UB that others can create an atmosphere. They sang for about 15 seconds.
12 Jan 2025 17:48:11
They didn't walk out. Someone mentioned that lines where in the toilets.
12 Jan 2025 18:04:28
I hope the same fans are booing the Subway Loyal during the Aberdeen game. Well said Storm ???.
12 Jan 2025 18:25:43
Well I thought the protest went very well indeed . Apart from a few impatient chaps there was some very orderly queuing going on there. Obviously well brought up. Bravo.
12 Jan 2025 18:28:14
No one said what they done was illegal but climbing all over the seats, why don't just walk up the aisles? Half of them are just a bunch of wee neds.
12 Jan 2025 18:32:50
stop being a UB apologist. most of them would have been in primary school when the HMRC thing happened so they know nothing about it. they do break the law with their sectarian signing and fireworks and at a time when we have little cash we could do without those penalties. there was atmosphere at the ground before the pretendy ultras came along so it may be they stop other fans from wanting to sing.
12 jan 2025 18:34:29
mmmm, you have had many many posts telling us they are entitled bigoted evil and
deeply embarrassing, tiday they have rights?
they stamped all over the seats, they humilliated the club, they did it fir them, nit rangers, they are children, mostly full of drugs, but that's ok tiday, they had a right
well i hope my club enforces its rights, to refute they're tickets and ban them
no more firtnightly embarrassments, no more fenian bloods, no more para songs, and no more kids in black.
12 Jan 2025 18:58:31
Tt you're sounding a bit like an entitled snob. There young guys there the life and soul of ibrox most weeks without them there's no atmosphere. You like to mention all their bad but none of their good like raising money for charity building relationships with other fan bases in Sweden and France ect and making ibrox electric not to mention the displays. I can only assume your one of the sit down for 90 minutes against Celtic in silence and then go home and complain on facebook fans.
12 Jan 2025 19:02:40
Tom these songs won't stop if the UB get banned. 99% of ibrox was singing when we were 3 nil up at celtic. And drugs are not a UB issue that's a Scotland issue. Its rife all over ibrox not just that section.
12 Jan 2025 19:04:33
Im really not sure if the UBs are full of drugs and drink, I don't know one UB, I would imagine some are, some not. I would bet some cash though that thousands of supporters are full of drink and more than likely some on drugs. I had one guy in front of me in the family stand a few years back that was wasted and missed most of the game out of it. If i'm not mistaken its not just the UBs that sing the songs you talk about and I don't see what the issue is with wearing black. wgaf. You all sound very left wing, lol.
12 Jan 2025 19:12:49
Never said they were evil TT don't lie it's embarrassing. Stamped all over seats ?
They didn't break the law today Angus.
Also what you lot don't seem to understand I have said I think they are wrong in how they have done it but the faux outrage by you lot is once again embarrassing.
TT I have called them out before yes for singing songs of hate etc… when it's illegal I will come them out but there was nothing to call them out on today.
TJBB i told you earlier who the main people would be just because they don't agree with it they need to take the moral high ground even tho there isn't any.
I have seen a video of the full Copland as it happened and they weren't the only ones that left but no one saying anything about the others .
12 Jan 2025 19:13:42
TT can you prove they are mostly full of drugs Nope as I would say you are steaming with the bs you are posting today ?.
12 jan 2025 19:16:35
dado, I've said before, after over 60 years of travelling to ibrox i know the reasons people leave early, the motorway, the subway, the constant jam on prw and streets around the stadium, the rush fir buses to get away and onto the motorway before they're caught in endless jams, work, people travelling from all over scotland england, northern ireland and ferry times, trains from city centre
all these things make ibrox a difficult place fir some to head home from, so long as they go in the first place is all that should matter, , it bas always been the case,
12 Jan 2025 20:09:18
How can they point the finger at Beale a guy who's no even been manager for 2 year nearly.
12 Jan 2025 20:20:31
100% TJBB.
12 Jan 2025 20:32:45
Well I guess some people just stay until the end and support the team, others don't and look for an excuse to justify their lack of support.
12 Jan 2025 20:39:07
TJBB its a disgraceful small minded comment to tar all/ majority of the UB as coke heads