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11 Jan 2025 18:39:38
I'm hearing off those fans who go tomorrow. Many are planning a walkout on 55 minutes in protest at the running of our club.

Agree7 Disagree0

11 Jan 2025 19:49:42
UB, RSA are doing it and heart and hand has retweeted it think they are for it as well.

11 Jan 2025 19:53:29
All over twitter, RSA and Union Bears asking for all fans to leave on 55 minutes.

11 Jan 2025 20:03:31
Don't cry if we're winning then chuck it after 55 mins then.

11 Jan 2025 20:11:27
The entitlement. We're a lot better than we were in the early 80s. Then big money came and success along with it. The money is no longer here. Is that the fault of the board? Suck it up, have some patience and things will get better. All this energy was sorely lacking when the spivs tried to kill and plunder the club - that was all a media conspiracy until the penny dropped way too late.

11 Jan 2025 21:03:47
The board signed off paying ridiculous wage to players not good enough we can't shift, matondo Lawrence to name just 2 they also allowed mb to waste over 11m signing his own players and we are still feeling the effect and don't start ke on the ridiculous dec over copland road that imo cause us the chance of cl football by not having ibrox avsil so the board have done a lot right but many things wrong.

11 Jan 2025 21:17:24
Good post mcminn.

11 Jan 2025 21:33:08
Hopefully the rest of the stadium follows them out on 55 minutes. Change is needed from top to bottom.

11 Jan 2025 22:06:09
Only way our board will act seeing the stands empty will make them rubbish themselves.

11 Jan 2025 22:16:41
Ows you need to differentiate between the mess of the operation to build it, and the loss of our stadia availability, with the fact that it was done to house physically challenged and disabled supporters, not a ridiculous deck, the situation in its construction, yes ridiculous, but not for the people it houses.

11 Jan 2025 22:21:42
Quite right fork.

11 Jan 2025 22:26:09
This from a group which regularly embarrasses the club with the pyro and their song book. Oh the irony.

11 Jan 2025 22:33:56
Struth, I have never in 70 years left a stadium early, and will be there at the final whistle tomorrow.

11 Jan 2025 22:47:53
What is a walkout on 55mins going to achieve?

1. This will do nothing but lower the teams confidence whilst it is already at a mega low in a time that they need their loyal fans.

2. Put more pressure on our manager who needs support and not criticism every day of his life.

I would love to know what all these people do for a living constantly on the players and managers back. If you are so great, why are you not standing on that touchline taking abuse daily from so called fans? Yes everyone is entitled to their opinion but FS, give this guy and his team a break. We are competing with big clubs in Europe, We absolutely tore apart that other mob, should have won the cup (unfortunate as keeper made a good save for the penalty) . Yes our away form is not acceptable, but it won’t get any better with all this nonsense and constant ear bashing from the stands and media. Kris Boyd Really? You played in a really strong Rangers side at a time we were on the up with good players around you! If he played in the current squad he would not have scored anywhere near the amount of goals he did. We are a team who will take a few seasons to settle.
I agree with the board comments, they are incompetent and incapable of taking our club forward but don’t batter our team or manager for this mess. Phil and his team have had a hard year with misfortune and false promises. We as a club have ZERO money for recruitment and this all comes from SACKING multiple managers and paying off staff (the board’s fault) . We have a project on our hands and Phillip Clement has said this from day 1 that this was a long term plan.
The mob across the city are cash rich (for now) . They can have their glory as this is all going to come crashing down very soon.
Rangers Football Club now are a club with structure and trying to remove high earners and balance their finances the correct way. Gone are the days of multi million pound signings and the sooner our fan base get this into their heads the better.
What ever happened to “We don’t do walking away”. This group of fans ought to be ashamed of themselves as a mass walkout will achieve nothing. It will embarrass us as a club, the media will slate us and put even more pressure on our manager and team. Do the right thing and support your club through the good times and the bad!
If you want to hurt the board, gather at the exit/ entrance of the club hierarchy at Ibrox and make it known verbally change is required.
Don’t tarnish our team and manager with negativity. Back them and make it known why we are the best fans in the world! ??.

11 Jan 2025 22:50:28
Very difficult to support the club right now, but a walk out isn't the answer. I believe the board are doing their best.

11 Jan 2025 22:53:14
And on another note about Kris Boyd. For someone who is supposed to love our club, you would think he would be trying to support the club internationally on live TV and not throw us to the wolves. He is false and only trying to achieve greater things for himself. Another selfish has been trying to make a name for himself to the media. Stop trying to mock our club for your selfish self gain.
Back our team, Back our manager and bring our club back to where it should be! ??.

11 Jan 2025 22:55:12
Like you John I'll be there until the final whistle. If people want to leave early by means of a so-called protest then fine by me. At least we'll be spared listening to the UB's usual rubbish singing. You'd have thought a more meaningful protest would be if they didn't attend the game in the first place. Fingers crossed we'll be winning handsomely when they leave early.

11 Jan 2025 23:12:54
Kris Boyd is back on the button every time he speaks. The state we’re in on the park due to PC is unbelievable, buck stops with him. I’m glad Boyd isn’t a puppet and is speaking the truth by calling him out.

12 Jan 2025 00:00:13
BigSerge you have got it wrong. Boyd is telling it as it is and the same as a majority of the support imo.

12 Jan 2025 00:01:08
Alot of fans leave at half time so this will be an extra 10 minutes for them.

12 Jan 2025 00:06:47
A walk out is not the answer boycotting buying merchandise is.

12 Jan 2025 00:35:38
Like him of not he just gets caught up in emotions and reflecting the attitude of a great number of fans. He not their as a cheerleader or going to applaud dire performances. No one complained about him smirking when it was the other way round. And he also played at time surrounded with bosmans and in lower league so not always surrounded with great players.

12 jan 2025 02:05:07
yes big serge, slaughter yet another gers hero, for telling the truth

how dare he, , i personally love kris and love his passion, you obviously don't like rangers men who open they're mouths, you actually want him to lie and fawn?

or you prefer him not to work at all.

12 Jan 2025 07:35:31
So will i John as always there until the final whistle sounds after this afternoon's game ???.

12 Jan 2025 07:57:42
Aholes the lot of them, my opinion.

12 Jan 2025 08:02:17
I’ve never left before the final whistle. I’m a supporter! If people don’t want to it’s probably best they don’t show up at all.

12 Jan 2025 08:54:45
KB easy to sit there with big Sutton and spout rhetoric - wonder how you would feel walking in big PCs shoes at the moment? - say your piece by all means but please don't pander to the masses as if you know it all and that you have all the answers when you think rinse and repeat is OK- remember we all are hurting??.

12 Jan 2025 08:59:50
The behaviour of the fans sicken me. The sense of entitlement is ridiculous.

12 Jan 2025 09:13:21
Fork i applauded the decision to improve facilities but maintain a well run club wouldn't have encountered the problems with materials we did that's on the board who are in charge and I'm convinced had we played Kiev at ibrox we'd have beaten them earning at least 5m to the club that's my issue.

12 Jan 2025 09:33:00
Rangers are our team and we should stick by them through thick and thin. Walking out won’t achieve anything and all stopping buying merchandise does is reduce the funds going into the club. Let’s just show why we are the best fans in the world and support our team even though they don’t always leave us feeling happy.

12 Jan 2025 09:43:29
TT Kris Boyd's uttering are just an opinion same as any of ours but just with a more public soap box to say it from. so not the truth even if he says what you agree with just an opinion. never managed a club so doesn't know the difficulties or reality of that; even Sutton tried and failed so perhaps has some insight. Personally I think he just plays to the gallery and find the smirks etc a little childish and disrespectful. just me maybe.

12 Jan 2025 09:57:48
“I’m hearing” it was posted online

It’s a legitimate protest organised by fans groups as well as the RSA. Of which many supporters clubs are part of.

No issue with anyone doing this. Folk can stay or go. Then you can judge on how you feel toward it when change ultimately comes and the part you played/ didn’t play.

Clement is on borrowed time. Yesterdays press release was basically a way of saying he’s being replaced in the summer.

12 Jan 2025 10:00:46
Good on them least they are doing something about the mess the club is in instead of moaning online.

12 Jan 2025 10:17:30
Whoever walks out that stadium today isn't a rangers man. we see it through.
To walk out on your team when they need you most is a disgrace. all it shows is their self gratifying opiononof themselves and they will embarrass us in front of everyone watching.

12 Jan 2025 10:20:39
Agreed OWS, but u didn't separate that issue from who it was for bud, I understand your anger mate, and I'm sure u would have said different if you were not so pee'd off with the board, and our C L failure to qualify, all understandable ??.

12 Jan 2025 11:10:33
The ‘greatest supporters in the world’ wouldn’t walk out when the team need them most.

The sense of entitlement and expectancy is utterly embarrassing. Entitlement and expectancy are the true enemies of progress and growth, not only in football terms but life too.

So what if some of us grew up mopping up the league for nearly a decade, things change, things cycle… our time will come again.

A group of vocal group of men children that consistently undermine the club with vitriol and use of pyro that gets us sanctioned do not speak for me, never will. They should stand up and support or feck off altogether and have their wee arranged fights on the Facebook groups far from our club.

12 Jan 2025 11:16:12
Yes fork i should've worded it differently and yiyr correct the emotion I have is anger at where our club are atm.

12 Jan 2025 11:20:19
OWS just a quick check on line shows that as high as 80-90% of building projects finish either late, over budget or both. These will all be planned and executed by project planners and construction companies who are experienced yet it still happens. so club not alone and therefore perhaps not to blame. Oh and th greta 'what if'; no-one can say we would have won the tie, the player getting sent off was the turning point and not where we were playing.

12 Jan 2025 11:31:54
JR, I can assure you they are real rangers fans and most likely the fans that follow the team all over the country and all over the continent. If you don’t think it’s the right thing to do don’t do it. Don’t have a go at people who have decided enough is enough and it’s time for action.

12 Jan 2025 12:19:24
Of course they are real Rangers men.

They are sick of being taken for granted and having their intelligence insulted

Get a grip. Staunch upper lip won’t do this time. We are a club miles off where we should be.

Certain fans standards are in the gutter.

12 Jan 2025 12:41:47
I personally have no issue with people who wish to protest ‘in whatever legitimate way’ be that in or out the ground.
What I don’t need is some long winded statement about the state of the club from people encouraging others to walk out when the same said people feel that throwing objects at opposition players, repeatedly giving pyro displays (when asked time and again by the club not to, and then watch as the club is repeatedly fined), and continuing with sectarian bile is still acceptable in the 21st C….
I think very few fans are happy with affairs on and off the pitch and are desperate to see improvement. We just show it in different ways.

12 Jan 2025 13:00:06
We all know Kris Boyd does what he does to stay relevant and keep his media contracts, as does Sutton but he really is a bit of a hypocrite. He was a great goal scorer in his first spell with the club but we can`t just ignore his second spell when he was brought back to help the club that he is currently so passionate about, achieve promotion back to the top league.

Was at least a stone overweight, hardly moved, stood about waiting for a chance to come and when it did missed them with a regularity never seen before or after in his career . He took the money and gave nothing back at a time the club needed him. Can`t deny that he was a top striker for us at one time but I don`t believe that he is the big Rangers fan he kids on he is.

12 Jan 2025 13:03:49
The Club is being run by honest people who have its best interests at heart, I firmly believe this. They have made mistakes but the've also got some things right. If they were standing in the way of like-minded people with greater resources to effect change, then yes, step aside. Hounding them out without any thought to their replacement brings back the spectres of Whyte and Green and the other chancers. As someone once said, careful what you wish for.

12 Jan 2025 13:59:01
Mcminn are you saying the parks are honest?

JR just because other fans have a different way of dealing with things like me you and some others doesn't make them less of a rangers fan than us. Rap that bs.

12 Jan 2025 14:21:38
I've no idea what that means Storm. My point is that the club had the worst period in its history when
being run by dishonest people. I have no wish to see the return of those days and that is a real risk if the current board are hounded out of town by a baying mob with no succession plan.

13 Jan 2025 10:52:22
Are the bus burner/ marching powder cartel still in the picture.

13 Jan 2025 14:17:28
Storm can you give examples of the park's dishonesty.



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