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09 Jan 2025 23:09:14
Seeing Ralf Rangnicks name doing the rounds. PC can't go on, I've tried to support him but sometimes your fighting a losing battle. Everything about tonight was rotten, Danilo consistently shows his quality when he comes on and yet never starts, persists with playing wide left when we have Cortes on the bench. And Rabbi Matondo my god.

Agree9 Disagree0

09 Jan 2025 23:47:32
He turned Bayern down to stay with Austria so can’t see that being true.

09 Jan 2025 23:51:00
Think the worse selection off all was propper as captain tonight. Would much rather Barron or kelly as captain over propper.

The league is over let's give youth a shot we must have a young Right Back in the B team that deserves a shot.

10 Jan 2025 00:52:12
Something has to change. Wanted Clement to be a successful appointment and do believe he is far from being the sole blame. However the press conferences and post match interviews are a disaster.

10 Jan 2025 05:50:48
We need too try n look at manager with a Scottish experience too help us win our bread n butter here
Win domestic games
Cup games ext
At this rate we will be lucky to qualify for Europe.

10 Jan 2025 05:59:47
I'm sorry clement just is not the answer Cerney , igamine all koppens doing
N whatever players we bring
Clement project or not just ain't setting us up right
Or winning games
He's inept
N showed tonight by making proper captain
Cause he scored once against them
He's been hopeless otherwise
As I said beating them papered over some cracks but come on it's plain to see
He's not doing the buissness here domestically, he can't beat dundee
Fir crying out loud
No more excuses guys been here almost two seasons guy manages a great game I one in ten
It not working
He's had a decent crack a the whip
But we are getting way worse
Not better
N project It's just words to disguise how bad we are being

We ain't good enough as a manager
As a team
It has to change
He's had his chance.

10 Jan 2025 06:17:03
We need a manager who knows how to win games in Scotland. The snobbery of our fans towards Scottish based players and managers and writing them off because they aren’t from the continent especially after what we have went through domestically the last 3 years is bewildering! ??‍♂️
Why on earth would we want to go and get another European manager, it hasn’t been working.

10 Jan 2025 06:17:44
He is THE main reason northern blue.

10 Jan 2025 06:21:19
Hands tied, no money, strange positional choices, horrendous injuries, limted formation options due to injury, yes weird post match interviews, the old not "rangers class" player apathy. Yes he carries the can as he's the manager, but there are others that share the weight of this abject failure, from coaching, medical thru to the board.
The guy looked ill last night, he knows what he wants done, but are these players capable of doing it, or are the problems above to heavy a factor on when the axe falls, personally I think it would be a kindness for PC.

10 Jan 2025 07:04:45
He said no RB but King stayed on the bench who plays RCB and played at RB, he singled out Igamane for criticism, excuse after excuse and his change in tactics was to bring on as many forwards as he could and hope for the best, we had no shape or clear plan, get him out.

10 jan 2025 07:06:55
bd propper wasn’t captain because he scored v celtic, he is an experienced skipper, rubbish most of the time but a skipper nonetheless.

10 Jan 2025 07:12:54
People need to start being realistic we don’t have the money to compete with Celtic anymore. Yes it is a project because we have to build something over a couple seasons it’s a full new squad am not saying a back clement to do that but anyone expecting anything different under a new manager are in lala land.

10 Jan 2025 07:19:27
Who would you want in rick witter that knows the scottish scene to win our bread and butter games mate ?.

10 Jan 2025 08:04:08
I realise the manager ain’t the only problem we have they are loads of factors but and it’s a big but, he still has the 2nd biggest wage bill in Scotland by a country mile and we should have a better away record. I don’t know the stats but he must have the worst record of a rangers manager since we came back up. I was always for giving him time but it can’t go on it’s painful to watch our away form in the spfl.
Will a manager come in and do better? They can’t be much worse and it will give him time to settle I. Before next season.

10 Jan 2025 08:20:12
Come on fork I know there’s no money and lots of injuries but if he can’t set that squad of players he had available to get more than 3 points out of 12 against st mirren, mwell, hibs and Dundee then changes have to be made. We need to get our standards back or this will never change.

10 Jan 2025 08:40:18
SWS, I don't think there is an obvious candidate. There are many I would like but they are not realistic.

10 Jan 2025 08:57:54
Ok YoungBlue within reason then mate ?.

10 Jan 2025 09:09:16
The only viable option that knows Rangers and the Scottish game is Gerrard. I know some folk might throw McInnes into the mix but he's not the answer. No doubt Killie fans will be worried about how their team fairs without a plastic pitch next season.

10 Jan 2025 09:13:08
Just get the fraud sacked and get Muscat in asap.

10 Jan 2025 09:14:36
Last night was disappointing again. We just don’t appear to have the ‘hunger’ to go and win these sticky games which is what I find most distressing. I’ve always supported PC, as appreciate he’s being asked to simultaneously win these sticky games league whilst competing in Europe and constantly cut the wage bill.
It doesn’t seem like he is going anywhere this season, and I think January will give a true reflection as to where we are financially.
We need a more ‘British’ spine, who can play these types of games but also understand in the main UK players are often so overpriced that we need to constantly look abroad. However a balance is needed (if not now then by summer), or I don’t think it matters who manages this side.

10 Jan 2025 09:21:12
We need a manager with blue blood in his vains and players who are the same, we also need to stop looking away from scottish talent as i know for a fact had me bought a rangers supporting striker like mcburnie we would not be in this state also we need to get the B team back in a league so players are playing big teams week in week out as these friendlies don't improve winning mentality.

10 Jan 2025 09:28:15
Does anyone know if the CEO is making this statement today?

10 Jan 2025 09:30:21
13 points out of 33 would be enough to get most managers sacked.
Money is not the issue here.
We just completely suffocated and out played our biggest rivals, so the team to win the league is clearly there.
Pathetic tactics and management is the issue.
Gerrard didn't need much money to rebuild the team to the point no one could beat us for an entire season, so i'm not buying the lack of funds rubbish, we have been in the same for every manager since we came back up, if Gio can reach a Europa League final with a starting 11 Gerrard assembles for 13 mill euros, then money is not the issue.
we have amanager who does not understand our league and his crap tactics, leaves fully fit in form players on the bench until a match is lost, does not exploit teams weaknesses, and continually plays half the team out of position.
BYE BYE Clement your time to walk is long overdue, he should have been sacked after the cup loss.
We need someone with solid Leadership and who will instill proper discipline in the team, and of course with excellent tactics.
Clement has neither of the 3, Gerrard had all 3, massive difference.
Nsiala gets his debut game finally and completely outshines the dross Clement gives the captains armband to.
Nsiala, Just like Hagi and Igamane left in the B team for too long.
The longer we wait the worse it gets.

10 Jan 2025 09:44:06
The issue PC has is he does not have a plan B for how to play against teams who sit back and defend and then counter attack like all of scottish football does apart from celtic. As we have shown that we can win away from home in europe where the teams are always attacking.

10 Jan 2025 09:44:38
SWS, Kim Hellberg would be my pick. Young up and coming manager who is working with a small budget at Hammarby now, plays quite a relentless style of football. Would be a fresh change to the club in my opinion.

10 Jan 2025 09:45:16
Also is Adam Devine injuried as why are we not playing him at Right Back instead of Yilmaz. As under Gerrard he looked a good player.

10 Jan 2025 09:45:41
What game were you watching if you thought Nsiala managed to "outshine" anyone - He was absolute garbage and could have cost us the game by having no awareness in the penalty area. Absolute nonsense to even try to say that he was decent in any way, terrible player on last night's showing.

10 Jan 2025 09:50:00
Laudrup Gerrard spent over £35M so he was backed with money. he also won 1 trophy with all that money. points per game for Gerrard was 2.15 and for Clement 2.03 so even with all the poor away results we have had Clement's PPG record isn't that poor. the issue is they have all come in a short period of time. were the tactics not always claimed to be Beale's and I know he is back with him in Saudi but would he be welcomed back at Ibrox.

10 Jan 2025 09:53:24
Sincere question to everyone, who do we bring in and will it make any difference with the players we have, also how much responsibility do the board take in this fiasco, are they actively seeking outward investment or even a buyer to take us to the next level or is it about protecting there own positions, player wise proper ?, Barron ?, barahmi ?, Cortes ?, mcausland ?, diamonde 50-50,, something has to change, and quickly.

10 Jan 2025 10:04:37
GC people are not up in arms about not competing with Celtic it’s fact we are being out played by Dundee and St. Mirren. No excuses he needs to go. This nonsense a better manager wouldn’t be able to get more out of the squad is just an excuse for people to stick with clement.

10 Jan 2025 10:05:07
Is that not the context of my post Wishy, if the background set up is incorrect, how to u expect him to put out a team that doesn't perform, more to it than just the manager, he carries the can yes 100%, but others are just as culpable imo.

10 Jan 2025 10:13:35
Witeshark, Dio and Barron cannot play together. It works with Raskin because he can cover Dio so the he can make runs past the defence but he doesn't do it alongside Barron because Barron gets exposed so Dio never really affects the game. Last night we needed someone to get in behind Dundees backline, instead we had both wingers dropping 40 yards deep to get the ball. And the fullbacks failed to threaten and their runs were predictable. How Danilo doesn't start is beyond me, he always wants the ball and tries little 1-2s to create some for of movement or space and that benefits Jefte massively.

10 Jan 2025 10:15:45
Up until now I've felt that we've been hamstrung by players brought in under previous regimes, and that the main reason for our poor form has been a large number of our players not being good enough (as well as a tough run of injuries to our best defenders) . But at this stage I'm beginning to turn to the view that we wouldn't have got the good results/ performances we've had in Europe and against Celtic if the players weren't god enough. The problem is our style of play does not suit our league and the manager is unwilling to change his approach at all.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

10 Jan 2025 10:56:23
Sorry fork I see what you mean, yes I agree he isn’t the only one that’s culpable but he isn’t good enough he needs to go and there is 6/ 7 players that need to follow. Let’s hope the new CEO isn’t as inept as previous ones.

10 Jan 2025 11:06:33
I have to say i think that if Gio was given the board backing that PC has been given we would have been in the right place, also if we had got someone like Koppen in place under GIO since Gerrard had a great support in back room to find talent we would not be in this situation. I also feel that had COVID lock down not struck Gerrard would have won the title as that squad he had at the time was playing amazing.

10 Jan 2025 11:22:47
Mo worries bud??.

10 Jan 2025 11:34:25
Agbroxi, King has played RB before, but he's not a RB he's a CDM converted to a CH.

10 Jan 2025 11:41:06
Broxi Gerrard had left rangers b4 Devine played for us unless u mean academy games.

10 Jan 2025 11:41:09
so Wishy do you mean by inept you mean someone who doesn't do what you want.

Yo-Jimbo if you ignore that we often do the same thing over expecting different results everything he does isn't the same. we have different players playing different positions with different opposition so there are lots off differentials. so in Einstien's parable of quantum insanity the results are often different by doing the same thing.

10 Jan 2025 11:53:29
Broxi, we did have someone like Koppen in place in Ross Wilson but the fans turned on him. Even though we failed to bring in his main targets due to the board not paying the money, he's now at Nottingham Forest and they are 3rd in PL so he must have something about him. Gio played slow and turgid football which made us struggle domestically against low blocks, I don't doubt he was let down by the board with signings but he wasn't the answer then.

10 Jan 2025 12:55:17
Correct on that young blue but he has a lot more money to spend at Forrest.

DtB it was the boys 1st professional game last night was it perfect No but he done ok considering the circumstances and its people like you why young players won’t get a chance at our club.

10 Jan 2025 13:40:42
Angus if you don’t think the people running the club for the past 3/ 4 year are inept their is no words look at the state of the club? you are allowed to stop happy clapping for 10 minutes mate.

10 Jan 2025 13:42:43
DoTheBouncy - fabricating additions to what i said in my post.
Outshine everyone - i said he is a better defender than Propper that was all.
Try reading the post before you add your fantasy additions.

Propper couldn't even cover his position, easy to see he was constantly trying to move over to Nsialas side like he didn't trust him lol, so of course if Propper is over on the left side corner area when dundee shoot through the RCB opening Propper just vacated to go chase down a dundee player who was zero threat, that leaves Nsiala to cover both CB positions, Propper was at fault for the dundee goal FACTS.

10 Jan 2025 14:45:21
wishy not happy clapping just pointing out the rubbish you post. Those inept people have kept the club alive by punting in loans. Perhaps if they hadn't then we would have got to this stage by now. so perhaps rich Rangers fans who thought they were doing the right thing to challenge celtic and get us back to where we were. so for me inept no but perhaps misguided. fine line difference but still a difference. and as a happy clapper I am always happy to be called that as I am happy to support my team through the really bad as well s the good and always try to see the positives where they are. So I thank you for the 'insult'

10 Jan 2025 16:07:03
Mate they have to put in the loans due to the horrendous mismanagement of the club they have overseen.



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