29 Jun 2024 21:52:46
Cantwell maintaining he's staying and ready to deliver. According to some media outlets, Instagram etc.
29 Jun 2024 22:33:26
He needs to go.
29 Jun 2024 22:34:44
More reliable than Lawrence so hopefully.
29 Jun 2024 22:36:46
Cantwell always talks a good game but very rarely backs it up. Needs a good pre-season and to improve his attitude. Could learn a few lessons from barrons press conference the other day.
29 Jun 2024 22:45:09
Cantwell is a good player but his head is up his backside. When i joined the army at 15 i was told the number one cause of a punch in the mouth was talking when you should be listening. Cantwell proves he always has too much to say but unable to listen. Cantwell is not a young boy he really would need a personality transplant to change into the player that could go to the next level. The gaffer doesn't seem like the kind of guy that will pander to him so cantwell needs to ask himself how he's going to move forward as a player and man.
29 Jun 2024 23:19:14
He is the way he is. Hopefully he has a good pre season players of his ability are hard to replace unless you gave plenty of cash.
30 Jun 2024 00:16:18
Í really hope not, I want to freshen things up. Don't like the guys attitude.
30 Jun 2024 01:07:28
Please don't be another barton todd, the footballer's time is short, please make the most of it.
30 Jun 2024 02:02:28
It was my sons mate he snapped back at online, the boy told him to keep the talking on the park and Cantwell called him a weapon and a bell***, the boy just delighted he got a response from him lol, a think Cantwell has got something about him and could still do a job but has too show it and win the title, over too you Todd ??♂️.
30 Jun 2024 07:20:40
Big Clement needs to take his phone off him - ground him for few days and tell him to concentrate on what he is being paid to do - end of?? His ability I like - his teenager attitude I do not!
30 Jun 2024 07:36:56
He’s on instagram arguing with fans get him out the door now.
30 Jun 2024 08:32:45
Clement needs to grab the little mouth piece by the throat and give his head a good ****in shake . I’m a big fan of his ability but to lash out at a fan and call them a bell end is unacceptable. He’d play out the remainder of his contract with the kids if it happened under Walter’s management.
30 Jun 2024 08:40:16
Tbh he has talent, heads full of mince though, he needs to focus, not spout rubbish online.
30 Jun 2024 08:45:08
The fans are starting to turn on Cantwell and it could end up toxic. It could end up as abuse from the stand, the car park, and social media. I think Todd Cantwell would be better off away from Rangers in all honesty because you can see our fans are starting to bring him down.
It doesn't matter what he does as a player next season, once the fans go you’ll never win them over again. Just listen to the awful way our own fans talk about Morelos - A young player we bought for £1m and he got us over 120 goals. Tavernier was just nominated for PFA POTY again but the fans are relentless with their hatred of him.
Lammers is scoring for fun in Holland, getting POTM awards, scoring against Champions League level opposition, etc. But Lammers could have scored 20+ in Holland and there would still be people convinced he was useless and should be sold this window - The fans have made their mind up and won’t give him a second chance. Dessers just hit over 20 goals for us from open play yet the fans want him gone.
So yeah, I think there’s no way back for Todd no matter what he does.
30 Jun 2024 08:54:32
I don’t get the Cantwell haters. He has pulled out some good performances goals and assists and was doing really well before he got injured. trouble was our squad was thin and because he’s most vocal fingers point to him when things go wrong.
30 Jun 2024 09:44:48
Thought that about Ally too, fans singing Ally, Ally get to f., he came back from that to be worshipped, will Cantwell achieve that, I think it's possible, but improbable, head full of broken bottles.
30 Jun 2024 09:46:43
At Ibrox there should be a ban on social media for everyone who works there - it's a recipe for disaster all round and these guys are being well paid to perform on the pitch not to bitch with supporters - do the job in hand and leave the social media nonsense well alone imho - yours sincerely old fuddy-duddy? btw the worst thing is players attempting to be smug and self righteous when winning six tenths of nothing!
30 Jun 2024 09:48:38
Gofor it’s because he is an idiot online and can’t keep his mouth shut arguing with fans. He is not consistent enough for me gets involved in too many stupid things on the park. If he stays he needs to be more consistent.
30 Jun 2024 10:23:25
People think lammers is useless because we witnessed it with our own eyes generic maybe playing for a team with less expectation will help as for Wright he's never been good enough and if we can get few hundred grand take it and run.
30 Jun 2024 11:25:50
At Rangers, posting your previous season highlights if you finished second is not a good look.
I would like Clement to invest his time in developing Lowry. Cantwell can go to a lesser club and do his talking there.
30 Jun 2024 11:28:57
I get guys are supposed too be proffonial, but it's hard not too respond too abuse, n I'm sorry fans that abuse anybody online are entitled twits, keyboard warriors
What right have we too abuse anyone at their job
Cause they play for a team you support gives you the right too slate them
Our fan are amount the most hatefully n judgemental in the world for not supporting or getting behind our players n its no wonder form dips its down too the abuse from there own fans
It's shocking
Cantwells only a twit for answering back n fans don't like a guy standing up for himself get real
N I agree not all his antics are excuseable nobody's perfect
But the guy has a right to a social life it's not the dark ages
No up too fans too decide or abuse him our fans are way too entitled n quick too right folk off its a sad fact n true
Windass 18 goals online abuse
Colak 13 after injury abuse
Morelos top scorer abuse
Dessers first season 22 goals abuse
Tav most goals for a right back most assists p. o. t. s award abuse
Nothing is good enough for a legion of our fans no wonder guys want to leave or dip in form
Support all our players
Get behind them
The 12th man
N results get better
Or answer back.
30 Jun 2024 11:59:45
Blue dream it was not abuse, the boy asked him to do his talking on park, we all know when you win the title you can say what you want but second her then you keep head down until you are first, SIMPLES.
30 jun 2024 13:24:13
a classic sand dancer, runs rings round himself and generally goes nowhere
thats why he's in scotland, he couldn't get away with that in epl and obviously not at nirwich either, the parks of scotland used to be full of his type, look great in his mirror, but ultimately does very little, why
because its all about him that's why.
30 Jun 2024 15:57:56
Generic, just read an article that Simon Murray of Ross County hit 23 goals last season. With much poorer service than Dessers gets. We will replace him not a problem. For a better all rounder.
Hardest bit is getting rid of him.
30 Jun 2024 16:13:48
Remember what our own fans said about Malik Tillman last summer? Said he was not worth £5m, he was lazy, he faked injury against Celtic, etc. It's poisonous nonsense.
I’ve never seen a fanbase hate on its own players as much as Rangers fans. I’ve followed the club for decades too and it has never been this bad. I’ve never seen the players and staff receive this much grief.
The Rangers fans booed our team off the pitch at Ibrox last season after we had won a game. A summer rebuild, half the squad injured, just won at home, and the team is booed off the pitch. I think a lot of the guys we had just signed started to wonder what they had signed up for there and then.
30 Jun 2024 16:57:46
What's all this problem re Cantwell, on game cracking player. He's made of chocolate and think he needs bit of positive energy. I'll give him season because ball at feet and passing different class. Let's wait see.
30 Jun 2024 19:32:53
If the players can't deal with the fans showing their disapproval then they are at the wrong club. In equal measure the fans get right behind the team when players are doing their job and performing. Not when predictably bottling it year in year out. Same mistakes over and over.
Players might get booed from time to time rightly or wrongly but the average rangers fan is getting pelters daily from celtic fans in whatsapp groups, work place etc its relentless. So its a case of boo-hoo for me.
We need to get rid of the old guard and go again. And maybe we will see an exciting team full of energy.
30 Jun 2024 22:08:25
Spot on Generic couple of bad touches and the crowd are shouting for a player to be sold or that he's mince most games (particularly the older generation) . Cantwell or any other player could have a 9/ 10 performance and one missed chance and its dogs abuse.
30 Jun 2024 22:20:15
Tillman was a bloody player no doubt about it loved the boy done great.
30 Jun 2024 23:19:14
Sadly I'm in total agreement Generic the treatment of dessers and Lammers at times was disgraceful, the way our fans hate on our players at times has me shaking my head on disbelief, I just pray the new signings this summer ger more time than 4 pre season games before the target it's etched on their back till their departure, just imagine our support united and got right behind every player for a full 90 mins it would be marvellous, and quite a powerful weapon, player confidence has massive power, make no mistake fans have their part to play in winning league titles too.
01 Jul 2024 06:42:12
As I said not all antics are good from cantwell
But guys need too bring league titles not too be abused get real
Their doing a job
If you done this too the nhs or fire service you would get the jail
N honestly the hate from our fans is poison at times
No need at all
The profession is football
No too listen to twits abuse.
01 Jul 2024 08:11:24
As a member of the older generation I find that comment ageist lol@AC21???. I'm quite content to be an auld fart. ?.