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26 Jun 2024 08:11:10
Anyone think there's any truth in the rumour that Dessers has handed in a transfer request to push through any potential deals on the table?

He may have scored around 23 goals last season, but for me he's not quick enough, not a lot of pace and needs too many chances to score. He's not a bad player or a bad guy, just wasn't my cup of tea.

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26 Jun 2024 08:28:23
Yes i think he wants out. Some awful treatment he's had so can't really blame him. I do honestly think we will push and get Shankland now (sorry for mentioning him) seen few rumours.

26 Jun 2024 08:59:51
Why on earth would any sane person with no links to the club want to stay to be treated the way he was. It'll absolutely be an issue potential incoming players will be made aware of by agents to.

26 Jun 2024 09:02:29
Paul what awful treatment has Dessers had?

26 Jun 2024 09:08:17
Big quick and powerful we need. Dessers isn't the one .

26 Jun 2024 09:08:50
All the abuse he's had online and social media. He even said it himself towards end of season. Fans telling him to get out of the club etc. I personally don't rate him but am not some sad act that will go comment on his instagram tellng him how bad he is. Decent goal return. More than morelos who was lauded as top notch.

26 Jun 2024 09:12:41
I think he knows he’ll be a squad player and that’s not for him. No player in his right mind would give a toss what an arm chair fan on a forum thinks of him.

I wish him well, he done well for us. Hopefully we sign a good centre forward and not be worse off with someone like Shankland.

26 Jun 2024 09:15:48
Scotty I think Paul’s referring to the constant online abuse and criticism in all media platforms he’s had. This will start to become a bigger and bigger issue.

26 Jun 2024 09:21:25
Apart from the over the top abuse he got at the start of the season partly due to anger at Beale I don’t think he got that bad of abuse, the away support sang his name every game last season. Few idiots on social media don’t represent the support. If he wants to leave it will be because he’s been told he won’t be the starting striker, I think him leaving is best for all parties and he will leave with my best wishes.

26 Jun 2024 09:28:05
scotty the fans slate him all the time.

26 Jun 2024 09:30:03
Made aware of by agents to what?

26 Jun 2024 09:33:39
Paul dessers has been critisced for poor play like many other players unless you can give examples where his AWFUL TREATMENT!

26 Jun 2024 10:17:00
Commnts on his personal instagram like your terrible get out of our club, time to hang up your boots, garbage, i will drive you to the airport myself. On his personal page. Noticed tavernier turned off comments on his b4 he posted his reel. Lundstrum had to turn the comments off cause of the abuse. Our support can be toxic at times and we all know this.

26 Jun 2024 10:40:13
Not many players do not get abuse at any club online, Stirling played against Ayr at right back beginning of season and got abuse for being no where good enough, negative comments will always stick out but to say Dessers was treated terribly is wide of the mark, when fans start singing their name and too get tae **** then there is a problem, that happened to McCoist for months, being second best in the country just magnified comments from fans that’s why there will always be a thin line between hero and villain in this country.

26 Jun 2024 10:58:46
Rangers supporters are the worst they had ever been, some must think the abuse doesn't effect players, some It won't most it will, why play for a support that does nothing but abuse you.

26 Jun 2024 11:07:30
think folk need to man up a bit.

of course some fans can be over the top but its a small minority and i doubt Dessers or any player is coming on websites like this one to see what fans are saying and get their feelings hurt. And if they are then that's their own fault. Stick and stones etc.

I have been very critical of Dessers as he is not even close to being good enough for us. Not if we want to win the league or be better in Europe.

Lovely lad, but not a good striker.

26 Jun 2024 11:15:59
Ally that's why i have said his personal social media account.

26 Jun 2024 11:20:27
Ally you seriously think players don't tell others players thier experiences?

26 Jun 2024 12:00:00
Every player gets abuse online and negative comments always stand out, for everyone that gives their is another fifty knocking each other over to get a selfie with them, until we are top team in country it will be magnified more to get clicks, our greats will of had more abuse off their own in the past.

26 Jun 2024 12:03:56
He hasn’t had any awful treatment. I think I’m hos biggest critic and support him every time he’s on the pitch and celebrate with him when he scores (although most of the time ion shocked that he did score) .

If he gets abuse on social media then, no offence - that’s his fault for having it. Everyone gets abuse on Social media, unfortunately there are a lot of horrible people out there and social media is their platform for making themselves feel bigger.

If I was in his shoes, I wouldn’t read any of the comments - ever.

26 Jun 2024 13:11:39
We won't be the top team in the country if players are constantly criticised, we failed to add quality after 55 which has been the problem imo, too many bad transfers not pushing us to the next level, after fabio silvas comments after his loan and now with dessers I'd not be surprised if players reject us over some fans behavior.

26 Jun 2024 13:15:10
All players get abuse on social media if they have a bad game or are in the middle of a spell of bad form. It happens at all clubs not just Rangers its just modern society . If Dessers can`t handle he should either stay off social media or find another job . Does he think the PAOK fans won`t give him stick if he misses the same easy chances he has missed for us?

26 Jun 2024 14:17:55
Dessers came to Scotland and scored 20+ goals from open play in his debut season. A very tough season in which half the squad was constantly injured, the fans started booing and demanding managerial change from the offset, and he had to adapt to Scottish football. Rangers fans don’t have a good word to say about him. They want him gone.

Many say Dessers misses more chances than other strikers. Does he? I looked at the league data for shooting and Dessers shot to goal ratio is better than Miovski, and on par with Kyogo. Shankland’s is only slightly better (a few percentage points) . These other strikers miss just as many chances as Dessers does and the stats show that in black and white.

26 Jun 2024 17:02:17
Generic that is obviously when he shoots, how many times should he pull the trigger and chooses to chop back or just let's the defender tackle. Passing up golden chances. he's far too unrealiable to be our no9. i'd rather my striker had a slightly lower shots to goals ratio but was shooting more from all angles. there's always chance of a rebound too.



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