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15 Jan 2025 06:49:16
Just a wee bit of insight from a player (not rangers) about football fans. His team are going through a tough spell and he says the players feel the tension in the stadium and the moans and groans from the fans of an odd is misplaced or the opposition create a chance. He said some of the players get really affected to the extent they play with fear of making a mistake, to the extent they prefer it when they okay away from home and their fans are the minority. He also said the thing that really hacks him off is the fans that abuse him with dogs abuse on social media when the tough times are there and after a few wins and few good performances they're all on like his best mate praising him, he's like "f… off you were calling me all sorts 4 weeks ago! ". This guy has actually cancelled nights out when his team has been beaten that day and sits around the house like a bear with a sore head, because he cares.
Just something to think about I suppose, at the end of the day they're all human beings just trying to do their best. And before anyone says "they get paid enough and they should be thicker skinned", it doesn't matter if they're paid £1000 a week or £20000 a week, that's irrelevant.

Agree7 Disagree0

15 Jan 2025 08:28:09
Oh shucks, poor wee things .
Pressure to perform in the workplace only happens in football.

15 Jan 2025 08:42:46
no but getting balled at and abused by more than 50,000 people doesn't happen in your workplace. Unlike you I am prone to the odd mistake at work thankfully not serious but still mistakes. I expect some form of accountability depending on the results of the mistake but 'I also expect support from my peers and managers when those things happen. Look up the word empathy as it obviously passes you by.

try to think how it feels if like Havertz the other day your new pregnant wife is getting messages on social media saying that their as yet unborn baby is going to be harmed then have a penalty in a cup match when you know what is going to happen if you miss is more of the same. so do you think a player will play better with support behind him or worse with 50000 fans grumbling at every mispass to missed shot.

15 Jan 2025 09:05:15
Sima, can see you're not living in the real world, how many times do you get abused in your workplace with 50,000?

15 Jan 2025 09:19:42
Unfortunately Angus there are many that think abuse is fun. Social media has given these people an outlet to spew their vile nasty filth. Players and their families should not be sujected to stuff like that, nobody should. Its a bloody nasty world we live in. Abuse has always been shouted from the stands since I first went to football 50+ years ago although it gas got much worse. Social media has made it too easy for it to continue away from the stadiums. I fear it will only get worse.

15 Jan 2025 10:10:33
What absolute nonsense, booing at football matches is part of the package
This should be part of the players development from youth academy to first team, they need to learn to deal with the crowd because it will never change.
Mental well being is important and ways of managing it should be on the curriculum. . I personally think it's easier to deal with 50thousand shouting than dealing with one or two individuals giving you a hard time at some low level football match . So I do live in the real world maybe it's you that doesnt.

15 Jan 2025 10:17:06
Aye cool sima.

15 Jan 2025 10:25:51
JFM I agree and when some on this forum seem to approve of it we cans ee where we are. I often wish we could replicate the scenario at their work where they have even their workmates giving them gyp as they go about their work and see how it goes. I think what we are saying is that people perform better off supported but hey ho each to their own.

15 Jan 2025 10:40:40
Sima so you think it's okay for online abuse to players, wives, children and in that case even unborn children because the abuse does not stop at the stadium.
There is a difference in shouting or booing to the abuse being talked about. Some people just don't know where to draw the line.

15 Jan 2025 10:45:47
Nobody is worried about a bit of booing, but when it becomes personal and threats to you and your family is a completely different matter, why do these faceless morons think this is OK.

15 Jan 2025 11:18:46
It certainly can't be easy when your own fans turn on you. Football fans seem to be the worst at this. Rugby, cricket and other sports fans seem to have more patience.

15 Jan 2025 11:49:09
Angus,1 or 2 on here think they're being smart with their replies to other posters on here. We are all entitled to our opinions without receiving smart arse replies.

15 Jan 2025 12:06:22
Correct Baxter.

Sima nothing wrong with what you say at all.

Also if it is true and the OP got that from a player it's only one players opinion also.

I am sorry but if you take the plaudits when playing well you take the criticism when you aren't it's that simple.
The people hanging on about players wife's children getting abused no one will ever say that's ok because it isn't. That is not what OP was talking about tho some just thought they would bring that in to suit their argument.

15 Jan 2025 12:32:52
Nothing wrong with criticism. Some people just don't know the difference. If you don't believe this goes on on social media well good for you. It is widely known.

15 Jan 2025 12:44:48
Jfm08 where do I say it's ok to abuse people on line, what a dreadful thing to say. Social media is toxic but it's got nothing to do with football that's a different argument altogether. This is why education of young footballers is an important responsibility for football clubs if anything it's only going to get worse now that the two main sites have decided you can pretty much say what you want.

15 Jan 2025 12:51:55
FFS why is it everyone is allowed an opinion when it meets with the approval of the normal negative bunch but when I bring an opinion it is pounced upon. the point is relevant re the online abuse as it can't not be in a players mind when they want to try something but think if they make a mistake or don't play the pass right, hit the target that there will be further online abuse.
My opinion on this sits very easily with me and my point that players who are supported by the fans in the stadium are more likely to perform at their best is a well studied and proven point.
So Sima have your opinion but I for one think it is wrong.
Baxter I don't think I ma being smart but trying to put my opinion across. However I am not going to try and hide my intelligence just to fit in with the crowd. I await the abuse, sorry opinion from the forum on that.

15 Jan 2025 13:13:41
Your reply to the opening post Sima was very flippant. There is a fine line between criticism and abuse. Many cross that line frequently.
As I said I've been going to football along time and shouting and booing at stadiums has always gone on. People just can't seem to switch it off. I've re read my reply and my wording was very poor. I should have said do you think. For that I apologise. Some of the stuff that gets posted on here towards our players makes me cringe. It's vile on social media.

15 Jan 2025 13:35:07
Angus just keep posting what you feel. Certain posters will always jump on what you say. I know if I said the sky is blue and the grass is green a certain poster would tell me our skies are mostly grey.
Don't worry about it, it is just the way it is.

15 Jan 2025 13:41:32
I'll take the wage PC is on and take boring every minute of the day for it. The guy is dud 7 million if he gets paid off he can handle a few boos.

15 Jan 2025 13:59:31
JFM It wasn't meant to be flippant but my point is and always has been that most people however much they get paid don't perform at their best when criticised.
I try to keep my posts respectful even when I do agree. I often re-read them and can see where my initial thoughts perhaps cross that line and have been known to apologise as well. I don want to fall put with fellow supporters, disagreeing is okay I feel if done in the right manner.

15 Jan 2025 14:36:48
Angus I never said your reply was flippant. I meant the reply from sima was flippant. In case you didn't notice I agreed with your point of view.

15 Jan 2025 15:43:25
JFM sorry misunderstood and I wasnt upset nor did I take offence at anything you have said in this thread. sorry but getting a bit defensive.

15 Jan 2025 16:28:08
I understand why.

15 Jan 2025 16:38:43
JFM my reply was not flippant, it merely highlighted the reality of professional football players get booed, always have and always will .

15 Jan 2025 17:17:34
Oh shucks poor wee things wasn't flippant, anything you say Sima.



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