12 Jul 2024 12:35:12
With the season about 3 weeks away how are we feeling with the signings so far? I think Cortes Barron and Jefte could feature heavily with Nsiala and Igamane being developed Liam Kelly obv speaks for himself with mccrorie away - of course am expecting a good few more ins and outs and more starter players being signed for the team still not got cb sorted maybe another cm and a goal scorer signed - but I am guessing that will determine on who goes and what's wages/ funds come in.
12 Jul 2024 13:53:42
The main problem I see is we are going into these fixtures with the same defence as last season and it’s just not good enough b.
12 Jul 2024 14:24:24
Exactly Storm
Hopefully we have more signings up our sleeves and see some more outgoings.
12 Jul 2024 14:57:32
If we still have Goldson and Tav, then it is going to be a long season.
12 Jul 2024 15:06:28
Our midfield lacked dig discipline and shape as too many did their own thing. I think barron will add something that was missing sotting beside dio. Raskin may come back in but i think young lennon miller if signed would start for us and that would be the biggest factor we would need to get across to sign him. My boy was a couple of year older than him but still played against him. The boy is a player. i'd also be looking at young macauley tait at hearts. Wee mac and his family are jambos season ticket holders but according to my boy he'd sign for rangers if it ever came up. 18/ 19 with plenty of dig with a good head on his shoulders and parents who are really good people.
12 Jul 2024 15:14:58
Defo storm. Very concerning.
12 Jul 2024 15:39:26
Agreed storm.
Everyone can see we need 2 starting centre backs.
Ano u and a lot of others want tav replaced, so it’s not good enough that not one of these positions had been sorted.
12 Jul 2024 16:20:43
Not sure barron will be a starter he'll be in rotation. Think Raskin and diamonde will feature heavier this year.
12 Jul 2024 18:38:48
Stevie, Sterling can replace Tav but pc will play both Tav and Goldson in cl qualifiers.
12 Jul 2024 19:41:10
Our central defence isn't good enough and we need a playmaker to dictate a game I don't see barron or diomande as the type to dominate the ball also we've essentially only dessers with danilo not fully able to play and PC saying inghamme not for first team immediately so a lot needs done.
12 Jul 2024 19:56:38
To quote @MyStar " I have it on good authority Tavs away" just saying. ?.
12 Jul 2024 23:05:36
Why are we employing Clement, we obviously don't need him, and we have now played two bounce games, and certain new players are considered not to be regular starters. Just leave it to PC, he knows better than us what's happening, and also should know his job will be on the line if we are not challenging for the title this season, it's early doors you folks in this window.